SAP Note 421791 - VL10: Including new fields in the shipping due date list

Component : Collective Processing (VL10, VL04) -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note provides instructions on how to include new fields in the shipping due date list in Transaction VL10. Users can add fields by creating user-defined APPEND structures for either SHP_VL10_INDX or SHP_VL10_ITEM in SE11. The fields can be populated using user exits, specifically including fields from various associated tables according to the list type. Additionally, there is mention of how to manage field visibility in ALV due to DDIC information buffering, suggesting the use of the report BALVBUFDEL to deactivate the buffer if immediate changes are required.

Key words :
user exit include lv50r_viewg13, user exit include lv50r_viewg06, user exit include lv50r_viewg07, user exit lv50r_viewg02 pos_item_fill_user, shipping due date list, user-defined append structure, user exit lv50r_viewg02, fill postab fields, fill address fields, transaction se11 choose

Related Notes :

332276Collective note: VL10 consulting
331092Missing user exit for Vl10 f. stock transport order
308119VL10: User field added to index list
302966VL10: Address data in index list not in user exits
204899VL10: Name of goods recipient is missing in VL10A/B
198137VL10: Customer-specific enhancements / user exits
122975Resetting buffering of ALV field catalog
113411Collective note: VL10