SAP Note 4163 - Defective redologs

Component : Oracle -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
Due to hardware, software, or user error, redologs may be lost. Refer to SAP Note 23070 for essential ORACLE backup terminology. For troubleshooting, verify the alert and LGWR trace files, and execute "ARCHIVE LOG LIST". For OFFLINE redologs, check V$LOG_HISTORY; for ONLINE redologs, check V$LOG, V$LOGFILE. Address errors based on redolog status: defective OFFLINE redologs may not impact active DB but require recovery; defective ONLINE redolog groups allow continued operation using mirrored files or log switches. Critical steps include managing inactive or active redologs, using SQL commands to drop, add, or rename log file members.

Key words :
alter database drop logfile member '<oldmember>', alter database add  logfile member '<newmember>', firstshutdown abortstartup mountalter database noarchivelog, alter database drop logfile group, alter database add  logfile group, alter database rename file '<old_member>', abortstartup  open recovershutdown normalrecover database, directory $oracle_home/saptrace/background store, work normallyalter system switch logfile, highest scn    archive_name   v2    file

Related Notes :

43490Collective note: SAPDBA - Restore/recovery