SAP Note 415695 - MSC: Refresh N_XDFRT table in the function UDTX0

Component : Taxes -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses issue where execution of RPUEVLUB program or schema UBA1 does not correctly refresh the XDFRT table in specific scenarios, such as during post-upgrade or software defect situations. The issue arises from the system drawing XDFRT data from the last processed payroll result, caused by non-refresh of N_XDFRT table in UDTX0 payroll function. The resolution involves applying the relevant HRSP to correct this non-critical problem, ensuring the internal tables BAL, UNB, and XDFRT are accurately rebuilt during evaluations. Additional related programs include RPU40ACL and RPU40ARU.

Key words :
additional key words rpu40acl, processed payroll result record, correctly refresh table xdfrt, system copies xdfrt, internal table n_xdfrt, payroll function udtx0, internal tables bal, evaluate bal, program rpuevlub, schema uba1

Related Notes :

411780Q&A: Master Note for US Tax functionality
317926Losing data in tables BAL and UNB after upgrade