SAP Note 401129 - Object types: Importing ref. data for regional structure

Component : Address Management / Business Address Services -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
dxobj subdx dxpos tabname fieldname0602 0000 0001 adr_lsm0 data_id0602 0000 0002 adr_lsm1 data_id0602 0000 0003 adr_lsm2 data_id0602 0000 0004 adr_lsm3 data_id0602 0000 0005 adr_lsm4 data_id, dxobj subdx dxpos tabname hlvel0602  0000  0001  adr_lsm0     10602  0000  0002  adr_lsm1     10602  0000  0003  adr_lsm2     10602  0000  0004  adr_lsm3     10602  0000  0005  adr_lsm4     10602  0000  0006  adr_lsm5     10602  0000  0007  adr_lsm6     1continuation, activ namex citiesx postal codesx districtsx streetsx, dxobj subdx dxprg dxp smode maxle  0602 0000 rsadrlsm02, fvalu fmust fdyna ident activ_z activct, parpno parflg mustfl occmin occmax hlevel0001, dxobj dxtty object type dxstx 0602, additional key words bas_regionalstructure, dxp = dx program type, subdx = dx subtype

Related Notes :

334096Converting postal code data with LSM Workbench as of V1.5
333946Quarterly adjustment with standard SAP location file