SAP Note 395973 - FAQ: MIRO, MR1M - Common questions for topic: taxes

Component : Tax - Logistics Invoice Verification

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses common queries related to tax management in logistics invoice verification. It clarifies why only one default tax code can be set in MIRO transaction, how to alter tax codes per invoice line, and the non-editability of tax codes in multi-account assignments and DIF lines post-Release 4.6C. It also details accessing tax base amounts on the Tax tab. For further guidance, specific technical Notes (144081, 319244, 336821, 138957) are referenced.

Key words :
sales/purchases' -> 'basic settings' -> 'change field control, -> 'financial accounting' -> 'financial accounting global settings' -> 'tax, clarify frequently asked questions relating, 'tax base amount changeable' indicator, tax base amount field, largest tax base amount, multi-account assignment screen, tax base amount, tax base amount', account assignment lines

Related Notes :

511158MR8M: Error message FICORE704
506461MIR7: Error message FICORE704
395703MIRO, MR1M: Composite SAP note Taxes in invoice verification