SAP Note 395330 - Simplified update of down payment clearing

Component : FI Integration -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
p_bukrs  company code            p_gjahr  fi fiscal year            so_belnr document number            so_psobt posting day            p_test   test run, terms day-end closing reason, - commitment item 5678dwn pymnt clrng 4712, -  commitmt item 5678dwn pymt clrg 4712, - commitmt item 5678dwn pymt clrg 4712, - commitmt item 5678-> transfer posting, - commitment item 5678-> transfer posting, -  commitmt item 1234down payment 0815, special general ledger documents, - commitment item 1234down payment 0815

Related Notes :

696299RFFMRPAZBU: Reconstruct docs that went through FYC
696187Reconstruction terminates with error message FI156
510371Simplified handling of advance developments
495589rffms200_old: Carry out down payment clearings
481015RFFMS200_OLD: Down payment clearings in FYC
417875RFFMS200: Minor/exchange rate diff w/ down payment clearing
413233RFFMS200:error message FI247 for different currencies
400924Recommendations and rules for the payment transfer in FM
398962Down payment clearing with residual items
397382Download of RFFMS200 (IS-PS, Release 4.61)
170272What to consider when applying advance developments