SAP Note 394331 - Upgrading to 4.X: Error message with CWB* tables

Component : SAP Notes Assistant -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
job_rddntpur upgrade phase, additional key words, sap notes add-, note assistant, standard system, error messages, 3petg447 table, runtime object, error message, cwbcicattrcwbcidatacwbcidpndccwbcifixedcwbciheadcwbciobjcwbcivalidcwbcmpntcwbcmtextcwbdeheadcwbdeprdccwbdetrackcwbntcicwbntcustcwbntdatacwbntfixedcwbntgattrcwbntheadcwbntmsgcwbntstattcwbntstatvcwbntstxtcwbntvalidcwbprstattcwbprstatvsresetlog2 solution

Related Notes :

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390062Additional information about upgrading to 4.6C SR2
335029Additions to the upgrade to Basis 4.6D (NDI Upgrade)
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327285Additions to upgrade to 4.6C SR1
192949Additional info for upgrade to 4.6C
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117668Additional info: Upgrading to 4.5B