SAP Note 394076 - Consulting: USER-EXITS and BAdIs in the forecast environment

Component : Demand Planning -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
methods   auth_check1    iv_mandt        importing   type /sapapo/mandt    iv_tcode        importing   type sytcode    iv_user         importing   type syuname    iv_actvt        importing   type /sapapo/actvt    iv_pareaid      importing   type /sapapo/ts_pareaid    iv_prpfl        importing   type /sapapo/prpfl    iv_statpf       importing   type /sapapo/statpf    iv_mlrpf        importing   type /sapapo/mlrpf    iv_comppf       importing   type /sapapo/comppf    iv_likeno       importing   type /sapapo/likeno    iv_tsid         importing   type /sapapo/tsid    iv_tstat        importing   type /sapapo/tstat    iv_boundpf      importing   type /sapapo/bname    iv_iobjnm_keyf  importing   type /sapapo/iobjnm    iv_iobjnm_char  importing   type /sapapo/iobjnm    iv_vrsioex      importing   type /sapapo/vrsioex    it_selection    importing   type /sapapo/ts_iobj_selection_tabsample code, cv_flg_no_trend  changing     type  flag    ct_message       changing     type  /sapapo/imeld_tab    saisontest    it_verg          importing    type  /sapapo/wert_tab    it_autokor       importing    type  /sapapo/scm_korsaison_tab    cv_perio         changing     type  /sapapo/perio     cv_flg_no_saison changing     type  flag    ct_message       changing     type  /sapapo/imeld_tab    white_noise_test    it_verg            importing  type  /sapapo/wert_tab    iv_peran           importing  type  /sapapo/peran    is_pcom            importing  type  /sapapo/pcom     cv_flg_white_noise changing   type  flag    ct_message         changing   type  /sapapo/imeld_tabas, methods   curve_create    is_master_prognose_profile importing type /sapapo/dp440g    iv_source_rowid            importing type /sapapo/apogrid_id    ev_created_curve_rowid     exporting type /sapapo/apogrid_id    ev_text                    exporting type /sapapo/txtsh    ct_cell_table              changing  type /sapapo/agc_cell    ct_attr_table              changing  type /sapapo/agc_attr    ct_grid_table              changing  type /sapapo/agc_grid   curve_smooth    is_mod_cell_value          importing type /sapapo/agc_cell_str    iv_alpha                  importing type /sapapo/alpha_graphic    ct_cell_table_values       changing  type /sapapo/agc_cellbadi /sapapo/sdp_fcst5, it_history       importing  type /sapapo/wert_tab    it_expost        importing  type /sapapo/expost_tab    is_pcom          importing  type /sapapo/pcom     ev_prusere       exporting  type /sapapo/wert    outlier_cal    is_pcom          importing  type /sapapo/pcom     ct_fcstintf      changing   type /sapapo/fcstintf_tab    extern_fcst    cs_pcom          changing   type /sapapo/pcom     ct_fcstintfe     changing   type /sapapo/fcstintf_tab     ct_messages      changing   type /sapapo/imeld_tab    m56_extension    cv_flag          changing   type /sapapo/fcstflagas, is_dp440g         importing type /sapapo/dp440gis_dp440p         importing type /sapapo/dp440pis_pcom           importing type /sapapo/pcomis_fcst_extern    importing type /sapapo/fcst_externiv_selid          importing type /sapapo/selectionid2it_selection      importing type /sapapo/ts_iobj_selection_tabiv_planungsmappe  importing type /sapapo/pb_mviewiv_datensicht     importing type /sapapo/pb_dviewiv_vrsioid        importing type /sapapo/vrsioidit_history        importing type /sapapo/wert_tabet_forecast       exporting type /sapapo/iprog_tabet_message        exporting type /sapapo/pm, methods  timeseri_maintain1     ct_zeitreihe1 changing type /sapapo/zeitreihe1_tab     ct_zeitreihe2 changing type /sapapo/zeitreihe2_tab     ct_zeitreihe3 changing type /sapapo/zeitreihe3_tab     ct_zeitreihe4 changing type /sapapo/zeitreihe4_tab  timeseri_maintain2     ct_zeitreihe1 changing type /sapapo/zeitreihe1_tab     ct_zeitreihe2 changing type /sapapo/zeitreihe2_tab     ct_zeitreihe3 changing type /sapapo/zeitreihe3_tab     ct_zeitreihe4 changing type /sapapo/zeitreihe4_tabbadi /sapapo/sdp_fcst2, iv_flg_no_trend    importing  type  flag     iv_flg_no_saison   importing  type  flag    is_pcom            importing  type  /sapapo/pcom     cv_flg_no_const    changing   type  flag    ct_message         changing   type  /sapapo/imeld_tab    ct_message2        changing   type  /sapapo/scm_message_tabsample code, parameter    iv_pareaid      importing  type /sapapo/ts_pareaid    iv_iobjnm_x     importing  type /sapapo/krit3    iv_iobjnm_y     importing  type /sapapo/krit3    iv_iobjnm_fcst  importing  type /sapapo/krit3    ct_selection    changing   type /sapapo/ts_iobj_selection_tabbadi /sapapo/sdp_fcst_ext, it_history         importing  type  /sapapo/wert_tab     iv_flg_outlier     importing  type  flag    cs_pcom            changing   type  /sapapo/pcom    cs_prognose        changing   type  /sapapo/iprog_tab    ct_message         changing   type  /sapapo/imeld_tab    consttest, iv_pareaid        importing type /sapapo/ts_pareaid      is_dp440g         importing type /sapapo/dp440g      it_t445like       importing type /sapapo/t445like_tab      it_selection_orig importing type /sapapo/ts_iobj_selection_tab      ct_selection      changing  type /sapapo/ts_iobj_selection_tab   dp440g_fill_range

Related Notes :

934270External forecast BADI /SAPAPO/SDP_FCST_EXT- raise exception
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