SAP Note 392631 - Dynamic storage bin '0000000000'

Component : Warehouse Movements - Delivery Processing

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
During warehouse management delivery processing, an issue occurs where the storage bin ‘0000000000’ is used instead of the expected dynamic coordinate based on the delivery number, resulting in unmatched positive and negative stock entries. Relevant transaction codes include VL01, VL01N, VL02, VL02N, LT03, and LT21. To resolve, ensure corrections from related notes are implemented, check requirements category settings for the WM movement type, and ensure dynamic bin settings are established correctly in T308 table. Missing entries for RM07M-VBELN and LIPS-VBELN should be maintained accordingly to eliminate the error and correctly utilize dynamic bin coordinates during goods movement operations.

Key words :
img path 'logistics execution --> decentralized wms integration --> local operations --> application --> define requirement categories, 'logistics execution --> warehouse management --> interfaces --> shipping --> define shipping control --> requirement types, decentralized wms', set flag 'dynamic bin', goods issue posting reason, warehouse management, maintain field t308-feldl, requirement categories, dynamic coordinate delivery number, -pick relevant items

Related Notes :

319922Dynamic coordinate '0000000000' after upgrade