SAP Note 392080 - AS/400: Switching off the new Database Monitor

Component : DB2 for AS/400 -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
call 'as400_api'   id 'apicode'     field api_stopdbmon   id 'jobtab'      field job_tab- sys    id 'api_err_text' field error_text, call 'as400_api'   id 'apicode'     field api_stopdbmon   id 'api_err_text' field error_text, message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno, call function 'st04_db4_get_dbmon_activity'     tables          job_tab              = dbmon_act_jobs     exceptions          th_server_list_error = 1          api_error            = 2, call function 'th_server_list'     tables          list           = i_servlist     exceptions          no_server_list = 1, sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4, srvdata-system                               srvdata-sysid                               srvdata-inst, describe table job_tab lines len, profile parameter as4/dbmon/enable, key host = sy-host

Related Notes :

729166iSeries: CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR short dump in RSDB4DMP
727078iSeries: Cleanup of the database monitor data
674804iSeries: Runtime error DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR in RSDB4UPD
484548iSeries: 3 tier system installation
382109AS/400: Switching off the new database monitor
353167AS/400: Work processes are permanently in MTXW status
321729AS/400: Additional functions for ST04
308176AS/400: Runtime error in RSDB4UPD
135369AS/400: Subsequent installation of the SQL Database Monitor