SAP Note 388354 - Message KJ216 or KJ217: analysis instructions

Component : Product Cost by Sales Order - Results Analysis

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses error messages KJ216 and KJ217 related to zero valuation of planned costs or revenues in results analysis. These messages occur due to an inability to compute relationships due to zero denominators. It guides users to verify and adjust plan values in Customizing, which can dynamically influence runtime values. Key parameters such as 'Valuation basis', and 'Overrun' should be checked. Note suggests checking various system settings and parameters that impact plan value calculations, and lists potential corrective actions and methodologies to diagnose and resolve the underlying issues with valuation methods and result analysis settings.

Key words :
updated costs overrun result reserve sales order structure work breakdown structure, system issues message kj216 'planned costs, plan profit percentage valuation basis version, system issues error message kj216, relationship planned revenue/planned costs, actual revenue/planned revenue relationship, additional key words kka1, component 'sd-sls-gf-, system issues message kj216, system issues message kj217

Related Notes :

398627INFO: CO-PC-OBJ (Results analysis/WIP calculation)
366000Valuation at line ID level and valuation basis
359277Message KJ216 when using 'Profit basis' K
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