SAP Note 34395 - tp return codes and programs used by tp

Component : Change and Transport System -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The SAP Note addresses unexplained return codes in CTS system log files, specifically related to various tp (transport program) processes. It provides documentation for understanding the meaning behind specific return codes associated with the transport tools like R3trans, RDDMASGL, etc. Return codes are assigned values like 0 for success, 4 for warnings, and 8 or 12 for errors and fatal errors respectively. The note explains the logs' structuring, where a return code can be divided into tp part (rc/1000) and the transport tool-specific response (rc%1000). Certain exceptional return codes are detailed to account for special scenarios, such as signals received by the transport tools or system-specific behaviors. These insights help users decipher transport log entries effectively.

Key words :
prerequisites missing documentation solution return codes, additional key words tp = r3sltratp, cts system display return codes, tptransport control program tp, return codes tp writes, r3trans export wrote warnings, transport tool aborted due, return code           1 tp writes, intermediate control instance, return exit codes

Related Notes :

43552TP196: R3trans -> tp return code transfer (return code 14)