SAP Note 338931 - EPS: Resetting parameter 'FLAG_DIALOG_STATUS'

Component : Interface to External Project Software -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The issue involves the 'FLAG_DIALOG_STATUS' parameter in various BAPIs such as WorkBreakdownStruct.Maintain, Network.Maintain, and others, not being reset post-execution, impacting subsequent transactions. The problem arises from a programmatic error. To resolve, implement the advance corrections provided, initially applying notes 169573, 195557, 202511, 206195, and 206227, followed by note 353595. Relevant to modules like EPS and PSEPS, and transactions including CO05.

Key words :
additional key words eps, add / change order, attached advance corrections, parameter 'flag_dialog_status', function module, program error, solution implement, implement notes, implement note 353595, bapi workbreakdownstruct

Related Notes :

356990Message from budget check for BAPI / OpenPS
353595No access to configuration in MD82 after COCM2
180417Open PS for Microsoft Project
169573EPS termination saving DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND