SAP Note 330904 - SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC for order creation

Component : Sales and Distribution -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses an update termination in ABAP/4 program "SAPLV45U" under routine "VBKD_BEARBEITEN" during order creation with reference. The termination typically occurs while executing the "INSERT VBKD FROM TABLE DA_XVBKDI." The issue arises primarily when standard materials, with activated planned requirements planning in the material master, are used. To resolve this issue, the suggested remedy is to apply a program correction.

Key words :
additional key words vbkd, planned requirements planning, insert vbkd, abap/4 program, table da_xvbkdi, short dump, standard material, material master, solution implement, program correction

Related Notes :

394612AFS V1.0D2 Fixpack #9 including HP/LCP 59-73