SAP Note 326583 - Calendar of shipping point not taken into accnt (2)

Component : Delivery and transport scheduling -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses routing issues where the calendar does not impact departure times. The problem arises in environments with daily scheduling, no maintained working hours at the shipping point, and usage of routes with zero transit time or a departure calendar. The root cause is the route calendar's inability to handle departure schedules, which requires integrating an additional calendar, not provided by the default system. To resolve this, users should maintain transit times greater than zero and utilize the route schedule to reflect the correct departure times.

Key words :
additional key words route, transit time greater, maintain transit times > 0, transit time = 0, route schedule, route calendar, departure times, travel times, daily scheduling, working hours

Related Notes :

146829Process flow of route schedule