SAP Note 326157 - AFS V1.0D2 Fixpack #8 including HP/LCP 46-58

Component : Upgrade Add-On Components (IS) - Industry-Specific Component Apparel and Footwear

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
nt/specific/isafs/v10d/fix8/unix, /specific/isafs/v10d/fix8/nt, step applying hp/lcp level 46, successfully applied patch queue confirm, \usr\sap\trans\eps\, /usr/sap/trans/eps/, transport individually program objects, inbox start report rsepsupl, hot package collection cd, applying hp/lcp

Related Notes :

326138No conversion for coverage strategy blank
324717ARun - poor performance update Rescheduling
324542CM21: Error when dispatching AFS planned orders
324320Delivery date cannot be changed at item level
324290VL32: Deletion of confirmations
323854ARun - Order block also in simulation/preview
323438Order is saved without customer
323266Order scheduling is not carried out
323255Default quantities not converted into sales unit
323107ARun - locking during the reallocation
322630Error message when calling the overview order list
322621Create PO with reference to PReq: Size 'X'
322563Del. completed. ind. for GR for shippng notifctn
322536Performance of Transaction J3A^
322115Termination for consecutive entry of orders
322049Sales orders stored in VBAK without sold-to-parties
322012ARun - short dump
321771MM17: No. range check for internal matl no. incor.
321312Reserved stock not checked during transfer posting
321158Change of Delivery date at Item level not possible
321145VAS copy from Billing to Sales
320971ARun - error in release check for core sizes
320914MD04 displays sales orders for which there is a goodsissue
320684Schedule lines with quantity 0 cannot be deleted
320410ATP search method: horizontal and sorting j4ad category date
320406Item reasn for rejction not transf. to sched. lines
320392ME22: Changing stock category though confirmations exists
320151Item reason for rejection is not taken into account
320119Item can not be rejected in fast change
320007Production different plant:Factory calendar ignored
319925Long runtimes for rush orders without allocations
319894Incorrect parameter for 'exit_saplj4ap_404'
319609WE101: Default entries cannot be changed
319331MDC process wrongly requirement category check
319154Component scrap is not taken into account
319143Runtime error during GR for the purchase order
319109Reason for rejectn in call:Incor.reqmt qty contract
318804Planned order not fixed after capacity dispatching
318654ARun - Navig. on selection screen does not work
318611BOM maint.- no neg.qties for compnents w/ SKU qties
318597ARun - menu in list custom. causes incorrect screen
318591Actuality and scrolling in ATP stock overview
318420Error behavior after E/W message in AFS overview
318236wrong display in MD04 when diff del dates at sched line leve
317998Many purchase requisitions created by EX lotsize
317758ARun del. grp not wrk in 'F' althgh rel. fulfilld
317699Wrong navigation from the report J_3aem00 when accessing j4a
317678Error Message VL019 when working with Trans. VL70 or VL04
317286ARun - menu in list custom. causes incorrect screen
317282ARun - BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW while updating
317274MDC do not proceed all lines when replaces ship-to
317205Create purch.order w/ Banf reference-message 8w 126
316738ATP scpe of chck:Requirmnt type not takn into accnt
316350Error in matl cst estmte thrgh neg.comp.qties i.BOM
315511No allocation possible for bills of material
315409ATP: Problems with the sales order quantity lock
315150Error when converting AFS plnnd order w/o dimension
314560Price determination error in rescheduling ZZV03V02
314414Preceding document is not referenced
313845VAS not redetermined for changes in order
313776Deleting one step delivery in VL02 & credit control
313547WE101:Deliv.compl.indic. cancell. for over-delivery
313370MDC specifies incorrectly the confirm quantity
313268Comb. Orders - different quantity split for GI
313216ARun list display ignores distance between fields
312940Copy BOM for SameGrid material
312861Missing change protocol for AFS tables
312541Stock transfer:Incorrect dimension for batch number
312442Incorrect tax calculation in Invoice IDoc J3ABIL01
311887Order creation w/ reference:grid value control data
311851No check for DB lock for grid creation via IDoc
311765Termination ME59 for large dataset
311754Review III: backflush AFS-fixed components
311684Wrong display of exception message 015
311423MM17: No update when changing material
311106AFS order confirmations
310833VA01/ATP - poor performance of accesses to J_3AMAD
310715Performance: Creation of AFS production orders
310622Exception msg 411 appears on PB that are after planning hori
310457Incorrect navigation from report j_3aem00
310395VAS standrd txts in ordr managmnt deletd unnecssrly
310282Completion confirmation with backflush - performnce
310270planning time fence display is not correct in J4AD
310236Comb.Ordrs - fixd reservtion are not finally issued
310162ARun - deletion of logs not possible in the batch
309989Combined Orders - Performance
309910Incorrect consumption of planned ind. Requir. w/ GI
309896Incorrect allocation of quantities in sales order
309822Comb.Orders - identical batches in differnt storage
309611J4AD has KS as default in selection criteria: requirement
309499Flag 'Final issue' is missing after backflush
309394Completn confrmtn:Msg. I8J956 for standrd componnts
309123ARun - J_3ARESH is deleted completely
308967Problems for positioning the pointer (2)
308879Perfrmnce imprvmnt functn modle J_3A_PO_RESH_UPDATE
308690ARun - Update termination in ARun (double records)
308631Wrong VAS quantity in delivery
308380PP: No AFS dimension when confirming prod. order
308357Sales orders with many hierarchy partners
307983Dump, when J3AD is executed twice in diff. session
307869Gross price incorrect in E1EDP25/E1EDP05 segment of Invoice
307704AFS componnts missng durng confirmtn aftr cancelltn
307387PP/ATP:No confirmtion evn though qties are availble
307334ATP value entry via simulation (sales order)
307262Required field check for material master fields
307130WIP determnng:Messge 'Order (item) has no material'
307120ATP fast entry - under-confirmation
307116Missng German text translations for Management Tool
306988Comb.Orders - del. assignmnt, fixd reserv. not del.
306772Comb. orders - change locking concept
306626Presizing: Default for NO GRID distr. to grid value
306622Error 8J623 for transfer posting stock to stock
306344Refresh button in j3ad does not plan all components
306343Season cannot be created
306321Display of CCI in contract items and schedule lines
306311EX lotsize does not group daily req. for subcontracting
306283GR is displayed incorrectly in businss data/shippng
306239Comb. ordrs cancell. of GI aftr deletn of comp.FAUF
306201GR locked stock at dimension level is incorrect
306179Performance improvement for large Grids/BOMs
305999Dimensionsauswahl für Standardmat. bei Lieferplaneinteilun
305859Extention of Report RFBIDE00
305817Incor.doc.sts aftr set.reasn f.rejec on sched.lines
305744Variance dimensn in mat. doc. and PO itm sched. lne
305536AFS creatng PO w/ refernce dcumnt components missng
305413Program termination LOAD_UNKNOWN_SUBPOOL in the DLN
305371ARun - general statistics is only saved in file
3052988J624 during GR for purchase order
305216Incorrect cursor positioning on the detail screen
305189BOM maintenance - sorting sizes by grid
305153Generation of procurement element w/o requirements
305101Availability check after size change
305093Comb. Orders - double quantty for incor. ext. numbr
305088Exception msg 406: Error saving requirements
305075Update termination when saving a sales order
304975Rounding button in Line Entry Screen
304914MD05 - missing data in display of pop-up for SubReq
304901SLH: TIME_OUT due to timeout during ATP/MRP
304838Diplay error in billing document (line-entry)
304689ARun MAS - no stck is allocatd even though it exsts
304640Req. field chck AFS fields fr Dirct Inpt mat. mast.
304399GI production order: Too many components proposed
304233Performance improvement for order list overview
303766AFS: Changed entries in EMU conversion tables
303697Assignment of customer special stocks for SD orders
303661Minimum lotsize at SKU level calculated wrongly
303641Availability check with contract reference incorrct
303479Cor. report J_3AMRP3 might delete too many requmts
303330Reason for rejection deletes confirmed quantity
303244ME57/ME58: Error message 8J240
303126Arun - blockd schedule lines allocted durng grouping
302688Display mode of vendor capacity maintennce incorrct
302669ARun - error message from user exit not displayed
302630Problems when positioning pointer
302627Requested delivery date is checked unnecessarily
302487MDC generate wrong schedules when replace material
302249ARun - incorrect F4 help in ARun utilization
302143BOM maintenance - repeated change to size dep. qts
302119ARun - user exit for release chck works only partially
302004Order-relatd billng documnt: Items w/ zero quantity
301921wrong sort order in j4ad
301817CO02 componnt quantty not equal to totl size reqmts
301596Sizespread in line entry
301496Updte termination when changing delivery tolerances
301273MD11 component selection via categories
301226ARun-Incorrect detailed display of POs in ARun result screen
301015Wrong display in MD04 on choosing AFS filter
300964SD/ATP: Stocks are not displayed or released
300935Partial GI for combined orders
300887Inv. quantity yet to be calculated in list display is incor.
300885Changing delivery date in the schedule lines
300680Vendor capacity maintain - entering materials/node twice
300556Backflush does not find all valid stocks
300515ATP with subcontracting: Provision stock
300500MDC selects incorrectly PO number
300046AFS fast entry loses the line item
217392ARun - Customizing (invalid menu entry)
217141Incorrect unit of measure in J_3ABOMD
217071ARun - VL02 deallocation does not work sometimes
216960Deletion of PReq AFS third-party items
216774Size conversion is not carried out
216772Vendor capacity - entering materials twice
216722Req. in 'B' status after MRP run for DRS/SGP lotsizes
216719MD05-display of MRP ele. data for subcontract. mat.
216678No valuation type for materials without grid
216625Accnt assignm. indicat. incor. in Line Entry Screen
216607Inbound shipping notif.text identfier not considerd
216517ME22 - confirmations: Correction for Note 179575
216511Plan. indep. reqmts lst:Incor. sort. seqnce of sizs
216491IDOC M7043: Teil-WE zur PO bei getr. Bewertung
216411Sel.list displys no opn qties f.non-AFS matl nmbers
216410Performance: read VAS data
216353ARun - customer number is partially missing in log
216282AFS rounding after implementing Note 209989
216222Incorrect navigation from report j_3aem00
215854AFS Correction report for new BOM explosion-Pur.Req
215784Enhancement of correction report J_3AMRP6
215620Endless loop for maintenance of vendor capacities
215544Multiple display of exception message 409 in J4ad j3ad j4a]
215390Availability check (ATP); Problems due to rounding
215353V.25 Incorrct values; only JED1 or JED2 is displayd
215348Incor. procssng exceptn msg. in Transctn J4AD (015)
215062ARUN status is not re-determined for order change
214779Consumptn of plnnd indepndnt reqmnts w/ sevrl vers.
214567Final confirmtion: no backflush for standrd matrial
214351Finl confrmtn qty incor. fr goods movmnt in bckgrnd
214235Exception message 015 displayed incorrectly
213913Reserved quantity for return delivery
213764ARun - VA02 change of already allocated items
213687Plan. ordr:Convrsn indic. not set for matrl w/o BOM
213599Shelf life copied as space for IDoc WMMBXY
213494AFS fast entry: Copy of dimension values
213279Comb.Ordrs canclltn of gds mvt aftr compl. confrmtn
213263New batch number assignment for GR in consumption
213157"Delivery completed" ID in purchasing documents
212613ATP check: TIME_OUT II
212487Not possibly to change to grid view
212323Prod. order comp.: Final issue ind. missing f. SKUs
211816Incorrect key date in J5AD (
211768Backflush of nogrid/standard components is incorrct
211516exception message 20 in standard does not appear in AFS
211509Delivery creation w/ VL02 termination/SQL error 243
211448ARun - 'R' and 'F' allocations within one group
211230ATP Check: TIME_OUT
211084Secondary req. gets grid values (NO GRID though)
211062ARun - Error messge at group levl stored incorrctly
210937Text items proposed for combined orders in the GI
210900Subitems does not link to the correct main items
210889Status not correct in table J_3ABDBS after del. created
210735Stock transport order with make-to-order production
210718Suppressing AFS SC components with quantity of zero
210716Availability check delivers incorrect values
210670AFS Specific data for second level contract output
210575Many Selects on J_3AMAD from LJ3AMFST
210533VAS data copy for split schedule lines
210483No warning messge for partlly referncd schedle lins
210390Sorting in the listing displays with AFS data
210354Fields in J_3ABDSI for TR not filled correctly
210342EX lotsizes - Grouping of requirements on daily basis
210127BOM explosion - disply of scrap quantity multiplied
210124Creation of batches without grid or category info
210061Delivery tolerances are not copied
209563Obsolete planning assignments after material change
209532MDC selects incorrectly SD documents with PO number
209504Copy PReq: Change dimension message 8J 037
209318Round AFS values with 'Next Rounding'
209245Material master: No change document for color
209206AFS: incorrect batch input data for screen 0140
209007ARun - incomplete rush orders are assigned
208963Disconncting rebate volme from VAS & size condition
208857BOM error for closed variant for standard material
208745ARun - 'R' and 'F' assignments within a group
208711ME21/ME22 Purchase Order Create/Change -- Blank Category
208431Indicator 'Finl issue of reservtion' set incorrctly
208179Incorrct delivry status of schedule line for retrns
208121TABLE_INVALID_INDEX in AFS billing document
207838ATP check terminates with error message V1336
207764BOM maintnnce fr classf. componnts sizs are rejcted
207752Arun Results Display giving wrong alloc percentage
207728ME22: Requirements records are not deleted
207712J_3ARCSO can no longer correct price data
207645Incor. quantities for purchse ordrs in SD doc. flow
207435Subcontracting: Missing unit of measure
207362GI postd itms fr stck trnsp. ordr resrvs stck again
207216ARUN - updte termintion in the ARun (double recrds)
207104Release date calculation wrong in J_3ASAC2 & J_3ASAC3
207097The BACK Button in J4AD & J3AD does not go to the initial
207088AFS Correction report new BOM explosion (PO)
206983Canclltn compl. confrmtn in pst per.:AFS dta incor.
206919Deadlocks on table J_3AMRPR
206815Assignment error(date) in subcontracting
206707Reason for rej. of item always copd to schedle line
206642MRP status incorrect after deletion of PO item
206510Correction for Vendor Capacity Change via ZZJ4.
206502Correction for Vendor Capacity Maintain J3A0.
206462EAN/UPC missing f.orders w/ ref. to billing documnt
206448Check of qty reservd as fixed for inventory posting
206397BOM maintenance - Grid quantities disappear
206313"Final delivery " indicator is not reset
206279AFS: Wrong quantity in INVOIC IDoc
206207Order confirmtion via EDI for same deadlne incorrct
206098ARun - duplicated messages in the ARun log
206059AFS - archiving FAUF/RESB - new AFS table
205981No transfer of storage location for goods issue
205887Costing of CP/AFS material via other applications
205857Exception message 001 appears only for one size.
205755Update to EKPO-J_3ADAT
205721Short dump during order confirmation via EDI
205432AFS: Incorrect error message TD600
205402SD/ATP: incorrect ATP result in the sales order
205298Rejec. schedle lins of a sales doc. can be referncd
204914J3AGRI: Missing check of the dimension ID
204871CO02Delete componentsAFS reqs only deletd logically
204594Comb.orders in batch screen incor. stocks displayed
204490ATP: poor performance
204405No warnng msg if partly referncd sched. lins rejec.
204384BOM mainten. on comp. grd accssd w/ val. dte of BOM
204146Proposal of purchsing org. for PReqs fr.matl master
203993Dynamic document flow in order documents resorted.
203602ARUN status modified incorrectly after delivery note created
203070ARun and multi-store handling
202300Adopt+details doesnt work in MK Contract with AFSK contract
202287Docu sts determined incor. after dely note creation
201962Preceding requirements are not updated correctly
199230Delivery group creation does not work
197119No option to select the routing
187918Change of batch code increases the net value
151528AFS GI w/ reference to reservation/production order
145602Stock/Requirements check and rebalancing program
139381Userexit for ATP
96172AFS: Release-/Migration Plan, Support package Status