SAP Note 323208 - Analysis table EWUFI_CDOC

Component : Financial Accounting -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
documents                        p_gjahr  fiscal year                        p_konto  account number                        p_pswsl  check pswsl                        p_dmbtr  check dmbtr                        p_dmbe2  check dmbe2                        p_dmbe3  check dmbe3the report evaluates, p_bukrs  company code                        p_koart  account type, p_paket  changeover package                        p_onlyop open items, check note 216756, previous years                        p_year   evaluate document, additional key words rfewa009, exchange rate difference postings, incorrect euro exchange rate, fiscal year, option 'evaluate documents

Related Notes :

500581STO/MAB:terminations after local currency changeover
397491EUR: Adjustment accounts and differences (FI)
396134Differences aftr euro changeover: balance <> zero w/ payment
388502Document currency euro (EUR) / move logic
383603Difference in RFEWA009 field PSWBT
217664Documents with transaction currency euro (EUR)
216756Large differences in VST/KDR accounts in RFEWA009
195766Error w/ posting down payment amounts in foreign currency
189936High rounding differences after a EURO changeover
149620Warning msgs in POST phase: MQ802/804/881
144223Unexpected high rounding differces Euro changeover
114945EMU: Balance of adjustment account for class 001