SAP Note 312924 - Deactivate Tax number check

Component : Country-Specific Developments -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
For certain non-European countries like Brazil and Australia, the 'VAT' (STCEG) field serves as a placeholder for local tax number requirements and includes specific number validation routines. Users may require deactivation of these checks to repurpose the STCEG field for other uses. The solution provides manual source code corrections for the function module 'EU_TAX_NUMBER_CHECK', influenced by previous notes 208015 and/or 201753 implementation. Review of customizing settings is necessary to deactivate these settings in the respective countries by modifying the checking rule in T005-PRUIN effectively.

Key words :
general settings -> set countries -> set country-specific checks -> select country, country specific tax numbers, country specific checks, prerequisites country code, function module 'eu_tax_number_check', tax number check, field 'vat reg, number check routines, source code corrections, european countries

Related Notes :

208015One Time Customer in Brazil SD Localization
201753ABN: Australian business number