SAP Note 29377 - FAQs: Field exits (CMOD)

Component : Customer Extensions -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
Field exits, and their limited development post-version 4.6C, remain functional within SAP but are subject to existing constraints. They can be managed via the RSMODPRF program in SE38, allowing maintenance and creation with no parameter inputs for activation. The program doesn't auto-synchronize buffers across instances, requiring manual use of OK code /$NAM for refresh. Field exits, constrained by function module naming rules and their process timing during PAI, require specific settings like setting the abap/fieldexit profile parameter to YES. Updates and screen regeneration are possible through designated transactions and notes, ensuring compatibility and correct functionalities across various instances.

Key words :
system variable sy-stepl, visible step loop line, input fields remain empty, function module field_exit_<data element, profile parameter abap/fieldexit =, active field exits refer, setting abap/field exit, step loop fields, abap dump error, 6c maintenance level

Related Notes :

1552775Regenerating all field texts
712065Service order: Reference for premise data
608469Change in FI Field Exits for Business Place - EWT TDS
594303Missing fields in BAPIADDR1 and BAPIADDR2
336145MM postings: 10 Days Validation
308196Field exit cannot be found after upgrade to Rel. 4.x
144261Error in the field transport on screens