SAP Note 2774 - Umlauts (national special character) become '#'

Component : Spool System -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
Symptom: Output listings and error messages in SAP are shown with hash marks (“#”) instead of umlauts and other national special characters in SP01 errors indicating non-printable characters. The issue arises due to printers unable to print certain characters, incorrect character set allocation, or missing characters in the assigned or system character sets. Solution: Verify printer capabilities via a hardware self-test and adjust character sets in SPAD (Transaction Spool Administrator). Update SAP internal character sets and printer settings, ensuring correct escape sequences are used and character sets match those supported by the printer. Modify or create new character sets using transaction SPAD to include necessary characters and assign them appropriately.

Key words :
spad-->utilities-->character sets-->print character set                                    -->compare char, spad-->utilities-->character sets-->count characters transaction spad, transaction spadtools ->administration ->spool ->spooler administration, spad-->utilities-->character sets-->test data, character sets -> compare character sets, transaction sp12 ->   character sets -> conv, umlauts orother national special characters, character set -> edit character set, full administration -> character sets, device types -> copy device type