SAP Note 23010 - Consulting enquiry SAP Belgium

Component : RC-Remote Consulting -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
In response to a message you submitted under the XX-RC component, it has been determined that your case involves a consultation request as outlined in SAP Note 83020. Please be informed that the standard maintenance contract does not cover consulting services. For specific help, you may engage with Remote Consulting or your local SAP consulting entities, referring to SAP Note 1054121 for details on SAP's support framework. Remote Consulting procedures specify a 16-hour initial service provision, billable at EUR 220 per hour. Should issues require extended attention, cost adjustments will occur. The terms also clarify billing responsibilities, mandate pre-testing of solutions on your systems, and exclude liability for non-tested implementations. Service engagements not covered by SLAs will be processed sequentially based on message receipt.

Key words :
die allgemeinen bedingungen der sap deutschland ag &, remote consulting teamsap consultingsap germany ag &, für beratungs-und service-verträge, accept bill complaints due, unsuccessful connection attempts due, cost includes research expenses, customer-specific master agreements, remote consulting               remote consulting, remote consulting service, service level agreements

Related Notes :

1054121The SAP Ecosystem in a Nutshell
215773Terms & Conditions of SAP Germany AG & Co. KG for Consulting
165755Minor adjustments in source code
83020What is consulting - What is support?