SAP Note 2175053 - Trouble-Shooting Note for House Bank Account Migration

Component : Bank Account Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
customer component fin-fscm-clm-bam bank account management priority correction, medium priority category consulting validity software componentfrom rel, migrating house bank accounts 2154631 - incorrect bank account description, observe house bank accounts showing green light, liquidity management -> bank account management -> basic settings, sap hana -> migration -> regnerate cds views, financial supply chain management -> cash, choose utilities -> runtime object -> display, migrating house bank accounts   symptom 2, migrating house bank accounts

Related Notes :

2136635Error with the "Migrate House Bank Accounts" tool
2162297Check Configuration Before Migrating House Bank Accounts
2154631Incorrect Bank Account Description after Migration
2154600Check for Bank Accounts with Identical Numbers and Different Currencies
2157638Migration Error Caused by Accounts with Identical Account Number but Different Currencies
2160853Linkage Creation Error When Migrating House Bank Accounts