SAP Note 2094819 - sFIN: Reading of IBAN for house bank account

Component : Non-industry specific contract accounts receivable, payable - Collections and DisbursementsIS-T-CA Contract AccountingIS-U

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
subsequentfi-ca617617  correction instructions correction instructionssoftware componentvalid fromvalid tonumberfi-ca6176171492142 support packages & patches support packagessoftware componentreleasesupport packagefi-ca617sapk-61707infica, disbursementsis-t-ca contract accountingis-u-ca contract accounts receivable, medium priority category program error validity software componentfrom rel, -industry specific contract accounts receivable, terms read_iban read_iban_from_db iban reason, correction instructions, payable priority correction, / __%pdfstyle%__font-size, __%pdfstyle%__ / } symptom, customer component fi-cax