SAP Note 207647 - Incorrect confirmed quties f. autom. confirmations

Component : Confirmation - Order Execution

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
type  reference type  proposal  optionalis_caufvd          type  caufvdis_afvgd          type  afvgdis_afrud           type  afrudi_aufpl            type  caufvd-aufpl                xi_colconf          type  rc27x-flg_sel    space      xi_quan_alrdy      type  afvgd-lmngai_quan_curr        type  afvgd-lmngai_tabix            type  syst-tabix        0          xi_progress        type  rc27x-flg_sel     space      xi_preconf          type  rc27x-flg_sel    space      xi_called_at_post  type  rc27x-flg_sel     space, reference field        proposal  optionalis_caufvd          caufvdis_afvgd          afvgdis_afrud           afrudi_aufpl            caufvd-aufpl                      xi_quan_alrdy      afvgd-lmngai_quan_curr        afvgd-lmngai_tabix            syst-tabix            0           xi_progress        rc27x-flg_sel          space      xi_called_at_post  rc27x-flg_sel          space, type   reference type            optionalit_preopr, milestone logicprocessing type  normal function module import parameters, function group   corfapplication      cshort text      automat, reference structure              optionalit_preopr          cooprkeyit_preopr_seq      cooprkeyct_afrud           afrud, reference structure cooprkey, create function module co_rf_auto_conf_create, additional key words co11, additional table parameter et_predec_seq

Related Notes :

356339Coll.order:Incorr.actual quantities f.autom.confrm.
337913Missing components for milestone confirmation
327137Problems with dependent goods movements as of Release 4.5
324867Incorrect actual qties from automatic confirmations
316462Incorrect activities from automatic confirmations
305595Confirmation: Multiple component update
211541Incorrect confrmed quntities f.automtic confrmtion