SAP Note 20648 - SQL error "INF-956: Client not trusted."

Component : Database Administration with Informix -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses a failure in remote database connections (RDBMS typename INFORMIX) within the SAP environment, specifically affecting the R/3 System's ability to initiate or maintain these connections. Key symptoms include startup errors (via 'startsap' resulting in 'R3trans' error codes), SQL error -956 during transport release operations, and trust issues between clients or users and the database server highlighted in various log entries. Configuration error is identified as the root cause, where host-specific entries ('/etc/hosts.equiv', '~/.rhosts') lack proper credentials for the operating system user. The resolution entails updating these files to establish a trust without requiring password authentication across network domains.

Key words :
sql error -956 performing con log, executing operating system user '<user>', additional key words startsap, informix log file, transactions se01/se09, general '<sid>adm', 'r3trans -d' terminates, 'tp export' terminates, r3trans test connect, application host belongs

Related Notes :

9650346.20/6.40 Patch Collection Installation: Informix / UNIX