SAP Note 1969700 - SQL statement collection for SAP HANA

Component : SAP HANA Database -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
During SAP HANA database analysis, specific data collection is necessary, particularly for services like SAP TPO-HANA and SAP SA-HANA where standard tools may not suffice. The provided SQL statements can be tailored for various conditions and requirements using adjustable parameters. Care is advised as these statements can heavily load the system, potentially causing resource issues and terminations. Testing in a non-production environment is recommended. Detailed guidance is available through TPO or SA services.

Key words :
customer component han-db sap hana database priority recommendations / additional info category consulting validity, increasing considerably attachments file namefile size, sap technical performance optimization - hana, setting   30 num_records       / limit result set, sap hana database analysis, sap system administration - hana, software component version references, determine special database information, / __%pdfstyle%__font-size, __%pdfstyle%__ / } symptom

Related Notes :

706478Preventing Basis tables from increasing considerably