SAP Note 193633 - IS-M: Overview of corrections for Release 4.02/3

Component : Industry-Specific Component Media -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
directory       specific/issl/ism/rel4, 02/3 additional key words miscellaneous, correct chronological sequence, hot package systems, command        tp import, lcp systems, test import, prerequisites solution, patch sapkippd33, related notes

Related Notes :

419612IS-M/SD carrier change notification, RJVZAEM0 is endless
419194IS-M/SD carrier change notification, two unlimited changes
418482IS-M/SD: Carrier change notification, gift/trip
401225IS-M/SD carrier change notification, subsequent delivery
401089IS-M/SD carrier change notification, overlap
400932IS-M/SD carrier list, offers
397047IS-M/SD: Carrier notification, missing check
395187IS-M/SD: Carrier change notification, cancelled orders
387951IS-M/SD: Carrier list, no publication date
383525IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, offers
373206IS-M/SD carrier change notification, additive trip
368152ISM/SD Carrier change notification, incomplete dlvy
367908IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, Note 336827
363299IS-M/SD Carrier change modfctn, CR + suspension
358067IS-M/SD Carrier change notfctn, deviate pub. date
336827IS-M/SD:Carrier chnge notification, move-in + term.
335363MSD: Incorrect order qty after release of change no
332954Duplicate partner bank category for bank details creation
329584IS-M/SD carrier change notification, miscellaneous
329076MSD: No retro.accting with termination of free sub.
326256No update for termination with commission back calculation
325963IS-M/SD carrier change notification, gift
325607IS-M/SD long runtime with packing and check reports
324220IS-M/SD:Stan. del. address book, incrct sorting III
322680IS-M/SD Stand. del. address list, inc. sorting II
321349IS-M/SD carrier change notif., technical relocation
320175MSD: Schedule line type not shown in retail order
319086IS-M/SD carrier list, incorrect sorting
314566IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, diverse
314545Order cannot be saved after trial item is converted
313933IS-M/SD carrier change notification, changes
312958IS-M/SD carrier change notification, public holiday
312644IS-M/SD carrier change notification, new edition
310478M/SD: Separate combination billed although excluded
309935M/SD: RJKXPRA402_PROMOTION_DATA incorrect
309880M/AM: Condition detail shows values of previous COA
308807MSD: Main agent without agents despite sales source
308796MSD: Note 303560 has been enhanced
308687MSD: Note 302126 was amended
307517'No delivery viability set optimization' in fast entry
307046MSD: Restart with change of purchase period unit
306891MSD: Maintenance of renewal subscriptions
306019M/SD: Wrong publication in returns overview
305384MSD: Note 217149 was enhanced
305314M/SD: Billing index in del.subscription not current
305297M/SD: Delivery invoiced twice by amortization
305079M/SD: Termination w. delivery-related liability a/c
305070M/SD: Condition doc. missing from amortization plan
304486Order check reports deliverable order as undeliverable
303560MSD: Navigation into new item after split
302782MSD: Sub. renewal in tolerance period incorrect
302126MSD: Commission recalculation missing with WBZ
301915MSD: Sched. line cannot be deleted in retail order
301428M/SD: Deletion of settled periods
301234M/SD: No retroactive acctg with dely. subscription
301230IS-M/SD carrier change notification, address
300856IS-M: Bank data not created in non-SAP system
300595IS-M: Address management called in change mode
300346M/SD indicator TECHNUMZUG in address set by mistake
300166MSD: Changes for specific dates in retail order
300129IS-M/SD: Posting block after cancellation of settl.
300056MSD: Authorization of payment card in Monitoring
217469M/SD: Termination RJKAMORTIZE when cancelling
217149MSD: Fast subscription entry: Creating an agent
217124M/SD: Termination w. transfer of HDS to HR
216834IS-M-SD: Termination when changing currency of BP
216571MSD: Tax destination country after address change
216495IS-M/SD: Error w. address formatting for bill-to
216290M/SD: Termination with WBZ order and recalculation
216141M/AM: Creation data of billing datasets are empty
215490M/SD long runtime for RJSUADDR
215446IS-M/SD: Cancellation of recalculated billing docs
215393M/AM:Payment cards: Error in the authorization env.
215076IS-M/SD: Amortization of trips with renewal subscription
214776M/SD: Checking ship. date displays no incorr. order
214669MSD: Create renewal order with reference to offer
214615M/SD: Termination error_in_amo_plan in RJKAMORTIZE
214591M/SD: Missing check w. house # overlapping check
214432M/AM: Payment cards: Problems with transfer
214205IS-M/SD: Block problem cancelling coll. processing
214171Agncy service rec.asgnmnt missing in del.subscriptions cycle
214063M/SD: Revenues created by amortization too high
213994M/SD: Runtime problems with the release
213977IS-M/SD: Shipping problem message with complaints
213812MSD: Incorrect event in agency service data
213723IS-M/SD: Alt.ship-to party w. sub. invoice printout
213295MSD: Copy promotion data with subscription renewals
213197M/SD search field filled incorrectly in districts
212757IS-M/SD standard dely exception, new subscription
212714MSD: Incorrect assgmt term. after data transfer
212677M/SD: RJVZEBU1 terminates
212395M/SD: No billing index for backdated retail order
212142M/SD: Block table runs completely for RJRARBVR
211682IS-M/SD: Packing 'Wrong measure in rule'
211593M/SD bank returns, cancelled billing documents
211143IS-M/SD standard delivery exception, delivery round
211036M/SD: Cancel bank return billing doc. (batch input)
210874M/SD Streets have deletion flag w. change of city
210867IS-M/SD: Deleting an employment period
210720IS-M/SD Standard delivery exception, interruption
210578M/AM: Incorrect box no. rec.add. in response admin.
210475IS-M/AM: Document flow advertisement
210466M/SD: Program termination in lost time after return
210464Missing data in goods arrival record
210318IS-M/SD: Texts still exist after deletion
210304Copy numbers in central access overview
210293M/SD: Termination when cancelling settl.s in dialog
210289M/SD worklist of settlements not transferred
210200M/AM: System COA is not created because of JE242
210167Selection by order number in central access
209890IS-M/SD: Customer line items
209878M/SD: RJF_FAKT generates MESSAGE_TYPE_X with shift
209772MSD: Note 207230 has been enhanced
209746M/AM: Settlement in coll. processing w/o doc. flow
209697M/AM: Fast access - house number finds no address
209422MSD: Schedule line in expired retail orders
209194M/AM: Manually created assignment has sales volume of 0
209176M/SD: Assignment home delivery settlement - transfer
209172MSD: Calc. free termination in dely. subscription
209158M/AM: Note 179191 was changed
209133M/AM: Sales agent contract maintenance (Changes, DUPREC)
209068M/SD: TIME OUT w. transfer to Financial Accounting
208974M/AM: Double revenue distribution after cancellation
208838MSD: Deletion of items in voucher shipping
208826IS-M/SD: Rev. a/c determination with canc. BillDocs
208824M/SD: Billing header JFRK missing
208594IS-M/SD: Collective processing log - display variants
208497Mo message when limiting time for a newly created item
208440M/AM: Actual conditions not converted
208436M/SD: Del.subscription w. cancel/extend termination
208393M/AM: House number is not displayed correctly
208237Delivery viability determination error for change no.release
208224MSD: WBZ commission recipient is proposed twice
208076M/AM: Header price empty in fast access
207936M/AM: Incorrect items on tab page
207867M/AM: Error in crcy translation in adjustment item
207596IS-M/SD: Correction instruction from Note 203234
207447IS-M: Old address in subscription invoice printout
207415IS-M/SD: Output determination - customer complaints
207230MSD: Gifts for free items
207225IS-M/SD: Bill.doc. already canceled for bank return
207065M/AM: Comma incorrectly next to G/L amount; block not delete
206310IS-M/AM: Archiving order table JHADRVA
205977M/AM: Sub ad spec indicator not filled correctly
205907M/AM: MESSAGE_TYPE_X for man. schedule line gen.
205865M/AM: Own ad of an agency
205766M/AM: Lock error in maintenance production units
205622M/AM: RJHABS11: Max. hits interpreted incorrectly
205570MSD: Note 204604 has been enhanced
205556IS-M/SD: FI doc. # assignment for bank return
205493IS-M/AM: Ad spec is not transferred to tech. System
205250MSD: Note 198478 has been enhanced
205191IS-M/SD: Billing of retroactive items
205104IS-M/SD: Transferring cancelled billing documents
205002M/AM: Rounding diff. with credit/debit memo amount
204969M/AM: Fields remain blank after COA renewal
204837IS-M/SD # of the notes in log: collective runs
204813IS-M/SD: Tax code with the revenue deferral
204729M/AM: Finally settled contract loses assignment
204701Display copy number for complete substitution of the edition
204640MSD:EXIT005 does not run w. change of StoP address
204604Problems with sold-to party = agent
204599MSD: Archiving temporary order items
204537M/AM: Credit management JHAI
204534M/AM: COA selection 'with auto.compl.notif.'
204494MSD: End schedule line not possible in retail order
204436M/AM: Partner accesses with Y or Z exclusivity
204328IS-M/SD: Output determination with fast entry of BR
204241M/SD: Error in amortization w. separate combination
204202IS-M/SD: Settl. calendar with home delivery settl.
204131M/AM: Incrrct actual billing date w. adv.
204095M/AM: Incorrect settlement with several COA SA
204002M/SD streets skipped with German postal data update
203967M/SD update structures modifies house number ranges
203826IS-M/SD: Blocks during billing document transfer
203671M/AM: Endless loop when changing address in JHA6
203240M/AM: Orders for payer not selected in cent. access
203234IS-M/SD: Business partner investment bank return
203207M/AM: Simplified condition entry message JE118
202946M/AM: Copy one-time order
202873M/AM: Media customer created in background (FA/CA)
202756M/AM: RJHADU01 BI session remains set to POS detail
202732M/AM: Partial cancellation Wrong tax for rounding diffs
202666IS-M/SD: Billing block in customer complaint
202649IS-M/SD relocation without carrier notification
202498M/AM: Incorrect PA obj. w. G/L a/c transfer posting
202450M/SD Overlapping with change of street
202248M/AM: Central access: Dump w. copying w/templ.rep.
202211M/AM: Incorr. +/- sign quantities and values- CO-PA
201931M/AM: Display assignments to COA items
201834M/AM: Discount disappears during billing
201828M/AM: Pricing after data entry in billing header
201825M/AM: BillDoc/settlement document - conditions lost
201632IS-M/SD: Bank details in the complaint order
201615User exits in advertising
201597M/AM: Partner detail not ready for input
201512IS-M/SD: Control record for transfer run
201416M/AM: COA accepts media customer only as agent
201362M/AM: RJHADU01 error message JY013
201335M/AM: Central access: Entry missing in T185
201277M/AM: Output determination to the COA settlement
201121IS-M:Check against M/AM orders - address management
201099MSD: Note 198478 was enhanced
200942M/AM: Blocks not cancelled by COA monitoring
200832M/AM: Performance when creating orders in JHA6
200648M/SD W. update of addresses, uncoded addresses exist
200545M/AM: Group system COA is not settled
200518M/AM Abbruch Verbuchung der BE (Änderungsbelege)
200460M/AM: Content components with leading zeros
200448M/AM: Incorrect header and item price
200419M/AM: Billing date could not be determined
200275MSD: Auto. dely viability determin. does not work
200099IS-M/SD: Revenue a/c determination with del. costs
199750Error 00349 in BTCI session for COA category 2 & 3
199568M/AM: Amendment to Note 186065
199422M/AM: Name of COA holder in COA list
199327IS-M/SD: Runtime error in collective transfer
199326M/AM: Input help for field booking unit in RJHALI02
199323M/SD del.flags not cancelled by change no. deletion
199286M/AM: Central access: Error with refresh function
199235M/AM: Sales summary: Cust.Exit incorrectly called
199208M/AM:RJHALI01 advertisement size cannot be totalled
198887M/AM: TIME_OUT during booking unit maintenance
198856IS-M/AM: Schedule line list distribution error
198766M/SD: Error w. displaying districts for postal unit
198693MSD: Termin. w. trnsfrrng change qty to redirection
198666M/AM: Billing document split for unknown reason
198483IS-M/SD: Deactivate messages in error log
198478MSD: Incorrect country grouping in suspension
198433IS-M/SD relocation without carrier notification
198432M/AM: COA holder is missing after legacy data transfer
198365M/AM: Agent contract elements lost
198306M/AM: Fast access: Order unblocked
198169IS-M/AM: Document flow display
198148M/AM: Conditions missing in COA settlement
198107M/AM: Incorrect gross COA in credit memo request
198033M/SD: Runtime error with amortization or transfer
198031M/SD: Error JK801 in returns processing 4.02/3
197913M/AM: Anonymous advertiser
197909M/AM: P/A record reversed without reversal document
197795IS-M/SD standard delivery exception
197794M/AM: Commercial item is not stored
197734M/AM: Order is blocked in the display mode
197656M/AM: Service text cannot be deleted
197646M/SD: Blocking in replacement unloading point
197305M/AM: Extra schedule line when field ANZAHL used
197267M/SD: Delivery viability determ. w. house no. affix
197160M/AM: Termination of billing with message BL194
197011M/AM: Order update with COA renewal
196988M/AM: Indicator 'COA customer' not set
196885M/AM: Payt mthd ready for input despite credit card
196801IS-M: Dunning data is not copied by reference GP
196791M/AM: Cash discount for receivable charge-off
196699IS-MAM: Fill old values for order *komkbja
196696MSD: Ext. system synchronization of bus. partners
196692M/AM: Bill-to party only as business partner
196682M/AM: Invalid warning message JH481
196610M/AM: Box number not in response administration
196592IS-M/SD: Accounting doc. for collective transfer
196560MSD: Terminations cannot be cancelled
196370IS-M/AM: Document flow background runs long runtime
196329M/SD: old invoice address in billing 4.02/3
196224MSD: Missing sched.lines in returned copies display
196216IS-M/SD: Complaint order - output determination
196194IS-M/SD: Transfer of home delivery settlement to HR
196192M/SD: Billing split because of region
196159M/SD: Bank return fast entry transfer status
196074MSD: Gift determination fast subscription entry
196041MSD: Delivery subscriptions in publication dates
195785M/AM: RJHADU01 error with advert.items with box no.
195740IS-M/SD std delivery exception, new subscriptions
195737M/SD: Cancelling order items with liability account
195487M/AM: Techn. Inhaltskomp. in JHA6 not filled
195326M/SD: Termin. when calling replace unloading points
195275IS-M/SD std delivery exception, new subscriptions
195230IS-M/AM: LIS: RJ-JASIM order simulation
195092M/AM: Agents not always found
195079IS-M/SD: Incorrect gross weight including inserts
195030M/SD: Tax destination country not filled (4.02/3)
194928IS-M/AM: Product hierarchy, display in order
194676M/AM: Incorrect assssmt basis after COA bill. canc.
194649ISM: Single day scheduled correction for address
194572M/AM: Incorrect doc.s w. selection via coll. proc.
194563M/SD: Incorrect deletion of unloading rules
194525M/AM: Indicator "COA renewed" not set
194467MSD: No output for sold-to party in fast entry
194380M/AM: Incorrect values in COA standing advert. view
194286MSD: Updating orders
194177M/AM: Agent settlement
194086M/AM: Temporarily incomplete orders are stored
194078M/AM: Performance billing, transfer: SAPLJHF2
194077M/AM: Incorrect billing datasets with combinations
194058M/SD: Billing split of credit memo requests
193974M/AM: Incorrect ad spec display in sched. line list
193843M/AM: Define total types in COA status
193708M/AM: Performance of agent settlement
193568IS-M/AM: Preassign contact person business address
193404MSD: New fld. PROVPERCNT in data transfer structure
190755M/SD: Long runtimes when assigning at a lower level
187846IS-M/AM: Input help for contact - Title incorrect
185679ISM: Incorrect address formatting
183142M/ PO Box post.code,address(' 000')
178130M/AM: Rounding diff. w. credit/debit memo amounts
149296IS-M/AM: Manual changes in the pricing procedure