SAP Note 192129 - Composite SAP Note: Archiving material master MM_MATNR

Component : Material Master - ArticlesIS-R-BD-PR Seasonal / Promotion PlanningIS-R-BD-SIT

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note serves as a composite reference directing to a variety of sub-notes addressing erroneous source codes and performance enhancements specific to material archiving (object MM_MATNR). It categorizes notes relevant to all customers and those applicable solely to SAP Retail environments, indicated by 'A' and 'R' respectively. Key issues include archiving errors in different materials, incorrect software behavior during archiving processes, performance bottlenecks, and necessary checks or adjustments before archiving. Users are advised to regularly implement these updates in their systems to ensure optimal performance and accuracy in their SAP R/3 environment.

Key words :
writing test status data generates termination426074, error message w4 114 control cycle exists2, composite sap note lists notes, locking dangerous goods masters, merchand categ hierarchy val-, inspection lots & quality notifications431667, delete planning file entry, incompletely deleted administrative entries447410, wms material master archiving571981, ckmlkalnr deletion557293 long texts

Related Notes :

900537FAQ: Error messages when archiving materials