SAP Note 188367 - Confirmation in collective order with deleted order

Component : Confirmation -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When attempting to enter a time ticket confirmation for an operation from a collective order with a subordinated order marked with the deletion flag (DLFL), users face an error: RU024 "Preceding operation & of sequence & not yet confirmed." This refusal is tied to the issue previously mentioned in Note 137840, which is not applicable for Release 4.5B. To address this, the solution recommends implementation of specified program corrections. Keywords include CO11, CO12, CO19. Note 137840’s previous instructions were incomplete and needed updates for proper resolution.

Key words :
additional key words co11, time ticket confirmation, prerequisites incomplete note 137840, collective order, subordinated order, status dlfl, deletion flag, message ru024, preceding operation &, solution carry

Related Notes :

327137Problems with dependent goods movements as of Release 4.5
137840CO11: Precedng operation deletd in collective order