SAP Note 187270 - Transaction variants and screen variants in VA01

Component : Sales Orders -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When utilizing Transaction SHD0 in SAP, it's possible to create variants for specific transactions, leading to the generation of corresponding screen variants with names formatted as "_". However, within the SD-SLS transactions such as VA01, VA02—dynamic screen variants disrupt these custom variants. To effectively use newly defined variants in sales document processing, they must be manually assigned to the order type in Customizing (via field TVAK-VARIANT) as per SAP Note 332930, or choose the pre-existing NO_VARIANT. Failure to adhere to this setup results in the default SAP variants being applied instead, thus overriding the custom settings.

Key words :
system creates screen variants, identifier x_<screen number>, sales document processing, additional key words, prerequisites solution assign, delivered sap variants, field tvak-variant, respective order type, dynamic screen variants, transaction variant saptest

Related Notes :

420546Additional data B and transaction variants in sales order
385676Standard variants d.n. function in sales document processing
332930Variant transactions do not function with sales docs
332210Bad performance within sales document processing
207886Transaction variant VA01: not everything is set
203924Performance 4.6 - collective note
164102Network load between application server and front end
97860Transaction variants for VA01