Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)
Summary :
In SAP CO PA, executing the periodic valuation using program LKEABF10 may cause a system termination with MESSAGE_TYPE_X, particularly when operating concern specific terminations occur in RK2QXXXX due to changes in validation fields for unit measure via user exit. Affected systems are those with Note 142150 implemented in either Release 4.0 or 4.5. Resolution involves applying program corrections to RKEVRK2L and RKEVRK2Q and regenerating the corresponding RK2Lxxxx and RK2Qxxxx programs via function modules 'RKE_GENERATE_INTERFACE_ACT' and 'RKE_GENERATE_PER_VALUATION_ACT' respectively, employing Transaction SE37 for the specific operating concern.
Key words :
enter 'import parameter' erkrs = 's001' 2, enter 'import parameter' erkrs = 's001', additional key words ke27, generating 'actual' program rk2lxxxx, generating 'actual' program rk2qxxxx, function builder initial screen, insert function module, generate programmm rk2qs001, attached program corrections, generate program rk2ls001
Related Notes :
142150 | SD document: runtime error in RKEVRK2A_MULTICURR_2 |