Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)
Summary :
When using transaction MD04 to view the stock/requirements list for AFS materials, users may notice that transfer requirements are duplicated, although the quantities shown are accurate. This is due to multiple display entries for each AFS dimension (schedule line). To resolve this issue, it is recommended to apply the provided corrections which have been designed to consolidate schedule lines and display a cumulative total.
Key words :
system displays transfer requirements, additional key words md04, standard stock/requirements list, requirements/stock list, transaction md04, afs material, afs dimension, shedule line, solution implement, attached corrections
Related Notes :
180016 | MD04 displays no transfr requiremnts, if AFS filter was used |
179700 | AFS V1.0D2 Fixpack #6 including HP/LCP 32-35 |