SAP Note 1725432 - CL_CTMENU_LOAD_TEXTS and invalid program name

Component : UI services, screen, batch input - Menu Painter

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The SAP Note addresses an issue where the instance creation of CL_CTMENU_LOAD_TEXTS with an unspecified program name (SPACE) triggers GUI status text generation attempts. These efforts, made with an invalid name, lead to unnecessary table locks in D342L and D345T. The solution provided involves importing the designated Support Package to rectify the issue.

Key words :
guistatus generate texts prog ><, gui status text generation, generation attempts, class cl_ctmenu_load_texts, program space, empty program, invalid program, trace files, unnecessary locks, tables d342l

Related Notes :

1608273Deadlock on D342L and D345T
1566845Deadlock on D342L and D345T
745639FAQ: Oracle enqueues