SAP Note 1714969 - Performance Improvement

Component : Business Object Processing Framework -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
dtel /bobf/obm_abstractdtel /bobf/conf_versionclas /bobf/cl_conf_toolboxclas /bobf/cl_conf_toolbox, prerequisites program error solution implement, bopf configuration shared object construction------------------------------------------------------------------------, release 731          sapk-73101insapbsfnd - sapk-73103insapbsfnd, package interface /bobf/iif_conf, terms bopf performance reason, package /bobf/configuration, bopf core service, manual pre-implement, core service execution

Related Notes :

1625213SAP TM 8.1-Collection of Notes recommended to be implemented
1522754SAP TM 8.0 - collection of notes, pro-active implementation