SAP Note 1706410 - SYB: Security - Changing passwords for database users

Component : Sybase ASE Database Platform -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note outlines the procedures for changing passwords for Sybase ASE database logins on SAP systems using Sybase ASE or higher on Linux for enhanced security. It describes detailed steps, starting with listing all database logins, and then proceeding to change passwords for selected users including 'sa', 'sapsa', 'sapsso', 'SAPSR3', and 'SAPSR3DB'. After altering passwords in the database, it's crucial to update the passwords in the Secure Storage for corresponding database users. The note also covers steps for updating external logins and other system areas impacted by the password changes. Additional post-processing steps ensure all services and external connections using these credentials are updated.

Key words :
customer component bc-db-syb sybase ase database platform priority recommendations / additional info category faq validity, <sid>adm > rsecssfx put db_connect/syb/sybsid_password -valuefile <password file> -valuefile7bit list, <sid>adm > rsecssfx put db_connect/syb/sadb_password -valuefile <password file> -valuefile7bit change, <sid>adm > rsecssfx put db_connect/syb/ssodb_password -valuefile <password file> -valuefile7bit change, <sid>adm > rsecssfx put db_connect/default_db_password -valuefile <password file> -valuefile7bit list, <sid>adm > rsecssfx put db_connect/syb/sybsid_user syb<sid> -plainhost, <sid>adm > rsecssfx put db_connect/syb/sadb_user sapsa -plainhost, <sid>adm > rsecssfx put db_connect/syb/ssodb_user sapsso -plainhost, host > su - <sid>adm start /usr/sap/<sid>/, db_connect/syb/sapsa_passworddb_connect/syb/sapsso_password update

Related Notes :

1639578SSFS as password storage for primary database connect