SAP Note 164909 - IS-M: Overview of corrections for Release 4.02/1

Component : Industry-Specific Component Media -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note provides an overview of the corrections for IS-M Release 4.02/1, which corresponds to patch levels SAPKIPPD20 and SAPKIPPC20, depending on the system. It covers a prerequisite that no adjustments or transports are required at this time but suggests reviewing related notes for comprehensive insights. Users can find all transportable corrections in directory '/specific/issl/ISM/REL4.021' consisting of typically two, occasionally three files. For importing these corrections, sequential order must be followed strictly using command 'tp import all client=000', preceded by clearing the buffer and conducting a test import. The solution also highlights the improved IS-M translation for multiple languages stored in file 'TRAN4021.CAR'.

Key words :
directory       specific/issl/ism/rel4, 02/1 additional key words miscellaneous, correct chronological sequence, delta upgrade guide', hot package systems, command        tp import, 'car -xvf tran4021, directory rel4021, transport directory, lcp systems

Related Notes :

419612IS-M/SD carrier change notification, RJVZAEM0 is endless
419194IS-M/SD carrier change notification, two unlimited changes
418482IS-M/SD: Carrier change notification, gift/trip
409717IS-M/SD Packing rule can not be completed
401225IS-M/SD carrier change notification, subsequent delivery
401089IS-M/SD carrier change notification, overlap
400932IS-M/SD carrier list, offers
397047IS-M/SD: Carrier notification, missing check
395187IS-M/SD: Carrier change notification, cancelled orders
387951IS-M/SD: Carrier list, no publication date
383525IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, offers
373206IS-M/SD carrier change notification, additive trip
368152ISM/SD Carrier change notification, incomplete dlvy
367908IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, Note 336827
363299IS-M/SD Carrier change modfctn, CR + suspension
358067IS-M/SD Carrier change notfctn, deviate pub. date
336827IS-M/SD:Carrier chnge notification, move-in + term.
329584IS-M/SD carrier change notification, miscellaneous
325963IS-M/SD carrier change notification, gift
325607IS-M/SD long runtime with packing and check reports
324220IS-M/SD:Stan. del. address book, incrct sorting III
322680IS-M/SD Stand. del. address list, inc. sorting II
321349IS-M/SD carrier change notif., technical relocation
319086IS-M/SD carrier list, incorrect sorting
314566IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, diverse
313933IS-M/SD carrier change notification, changes
312958IS-M/SD carrier change notification, public holiday
312644IS-M/SD carrier change notification, new edition
309935M/SD: RJKXPRA402_PROMOTION_DATA incorrect
308807MSD: Main agent without agents despite sales source
308796MSD: Note 303560 has been enhanced
308687MSD: Note 302126 was amended
307517'No delivery viability set optimization' in fast entry
306019M/SD: Wrong publication in returns overview
305314M/SD: Billing index in del.subscription not current
305297M/SD: Delivery invoiced twice by amortization
305070M/SD: Condition doc. missing from amortization plan
303560MSD: Navigation into new item after split
302126MSD: Commission recalculation missing with WBZ
301428M/SD: Deletion of settled periods
301234M/SD: No retroactive acctg with dely. subscription
301230IS-M/SD carrier change notification, address
300856IS-M: Bank data not created in non-SAP system
300595IS-M: Address management called in change mode
300166MSD: Changes for specific dates in retail order
300129IS-M/SD: Posting block after cancellation of settl.
300056MSD: Authorization of payment card in Monitoring
217149MSD: Fast subscription entry: Creating an agent
217124M/SD: Termination w. transfer of HDS to HR
216834IS-M-SD: Termination when changing currency of BP
216495IS-M/SD: Error w. address formatting for bill-to
215446IS-M/SD: Cancellation of recalculated billing docs
215393M/AM:Payment cards: Error in the authorization env.
214669MSD: Create renewal order with reference to offer
214591M/SD: Missing check w. house # overlapping check
214432M/AM: Payment cards: Problems with transfer
214205IS-M/SD: Block problem cancelling coll. processing
214171Agncy service rec.asgnmnt missing in del.subscriptions cycle
214063M/SD: Revenues created by amortization too high
213994M/SD: Runtime problems with the release
213977IS-M/SD: Shipping problem message with complaints
213723IS-M/SD: Alt.ship-to party w. sub. invoice printout
213295MSD: Copy promotion data with subscription renewals
212945IS-M/SD: Complaint quantity for ordered editions
212757IS-M/SD standard dely exception, new subscription
212714MSD: Incorrect assgmt term. after data transfer
212142M/SD: Block table runs completely for RJRARBVR
211682IS-M/SD: Packing 'Wrong measure in rule'
211593M/SD bank returns, cancelled billing documents
211143IS-M/SD standard delivery exception, delivery round
211036M/SD: Cancel bank return billing doc. (batch input)
210867IS-M/SD: Deleting an employment period
210720IS-M/SD Standard delivery exception, interruption
210466M/SD: Program termination in lost time after return
210464Missing data in goods arrival record
210318IS-M/SD: Texts still exist after deletion
210304Copy numbers in central access overview
210293M/SD: Termination when cancelling settl.s in dialog
210289M/SD worklist of settlements not transferred
210167Selection by order number in central access
209890IS-M/SD: Customer line items
209878M/SD: RJF_FAKT generates MESSAGE_TYPE_X with shift
209772MSD: Note 207230 has been enhanced
209176M/SD: Assignment home delivery settlement - transfer
209172MSD: Calc. free termination in dely. subscription
209068M/SD: TIME OUT w. transfer to Financial Accounting
208826IS-M/SD: Rev. a/c determination with canc. BillDocs
208824M/SD: Billing header JFRK missing
208594IS-M/SD: Collective processing log - display variants
208497Mo message when limiting time for a newly created item
208237Delivery viability determination error for change no.release
207596IS-M/SD: Correction instruction from Note 203234
207447IS-M: Old address in subscription invoice printout
207415IS-M/SD: Output determination - customer complaints
207230MSD: Gifts for free items
207225IS-M/SD: Bill.doc. already canceled for bank return
205556IS-M/SD: FI doc. # assignment for bank return
205191IS-M/SD: Billing of retroactive items
205104IS-M/SD: Transferring cancelled billing documents
204837IS-M/SD # of the notes in log: collective runs
204813IS-M/SD: Tax code with the revenue deferral
204701Display copy number for complete substitution of the edition
204640MSD:EXIT005 does not run w. change of StoP address
204599MSD: Archiving temporary order items
204537M/AM: Credit management JHAI
204328IS-M/SD: Output determination with fast entry of BR
204241M/SD: Error in amortization w. separate combination
204202IS-M/SD: Settl. calendar with home delivery settl.
204002M/SD streets skipped with German postal data update
203967M/SD update structures modifies house number ranges
203826IS-M/SD: Blocks during billing document transfer
203234IS-M/SD: Business partner investment bank return
202666IS-M/SD: Billing block in customer complaint
202649IS-M/SD relocation without carrier notification
202450M/SD Overlapping with change of street
201632IS-M/SD: Bank details in the complaint order
201512IS-M/SD: Control record for transfer run
201121IS-M:Check against M/AM orders - address management
200648M/SD W. update of addresses, uncoded addresses exist
200099IS-M/SD: Revenue a/c determination with del. costs
199327IS-M/SD: Runtime error in collective transfer
199323M/SD del.flags not cancelled by change no. deletion
198693MSD: Termin. w. trnsfrrng change qty to redirection
198483IS-M/SD: Deactivate messages in error log
198433IS-M/SD relocation without carrier notification
198033M/SD: Runtime error with amortization or transfer
197646M/SD: Blocking in replacement unloading point
196801IS-M: Dunning data is not copied by reference GP
196696MSD: Ext. system synchronization of bus. partners
196592IS-M/SD: Accounting doc. for collective transfer
196560MSD: Terminations cannot be cancelled
196216IS-M/SD: Complaint order - output determination
196194IS-M/SD: Transfer of home delivery settlement to HR
196159M/SD: Bank return fast entry transfer status
196074MSD: Gift determination fast subscription entry
196041MSD: Delivery subscriptions in publication dates
195740IS-M/SD std delivery exception, new subscriptions
195275IS-M/SD std delivery exception, new subscriptions
195079IS-M/SD: Incorrect gross weight including inserts
194649ISM: Single day scheduled correction for address
194571M/SD Sort field in address initialized by mistake
194563M/SD: Incorrect deletion of unloading rules
194467MSD: No output for sold-to party in fast entry
194286MSD: Updating orders
194058M/SD: Billing split of credit memo requests
192981M/SD: Endless loop when schedule line data entered
192878M/SD: 'PO box' as delivery address in complaints
191832MSD: LAND1 not filled correctly for pricing
191578MSD: Note 171207 was changed
191287IS-M/SD: Exchange transfer with post to FI/RF
191136M/AM: Credit management: Incorrect values in check
191089M/SD: Reorg. of unloading point sequences incorrect
191087MSD: Order delivered despite suspension
190785IS-M/SD: Standard delivery exception transport
190755M/SD: Long runtimes when assigning at a lower level
190687IS-M/SD: Termination in the central initial screen
190152MSD: Incorrect display of current delivery address
190106MSD: Items cannot be cancelled
189244MSD: Deletion of unlimited changes with replacement
188639IS-M/SD: Error tolerance goods arrival data record
188410IS-M/SD: Shipping doc. 3002 Delivery note customer
188331IS-M/SD: No 'Transfer' button w. Geo reassign.
187488M/AM: Credit management: Check of incorrect values
187474M/SD: Condition type tax missing in complaint
187405IS-M/SD: Employment period cannot be changed
187215M/SD function cancel after error with 'Move city'
187114M/SD: Overflow locking table w. settlement transfer
187101M/SD: Overflow locking table with BillDoc transfer
186999MSD: Bank details from sales areas (2)
186600M/AM: Credit management: Update error
186599M/AM: Payment cards: Update of billing datasets
186259IS-M/SD: Session hangs during order processing
185918IS-M/SD: Incorrect goods arrival no. in DDR record
185679ISM: Incorrect address formatting
185540MSD: Split function without pricing
185524IS-M/SD: Number of PubDays with district flat rates
185358IS-M/SD: Check list for bank returns
185132IS-M/SD: Determination of bank clearing account
185070IS-M: Block missing for address management
184986M/SD: Delivery round-BP assignment can be changed
184939MSD: Bankverbindungen aus anderen Vertriebsbereichen
184925Update term. when changing/saving advertising data
184388IS-M/SD: Output determination with BillDoc change
184361M/AM: Error in the payment card environment
184304Start of lead time with viability set determination
184225IS-M/SD: Update of table JFREVVAACC
183929Customizing for agents overridden in sales support
183908MSD: Initial data trans. requires amortization plan
183702MSD: SAP enhancement J45A0009 split for 4.02/3
183665M/SD: Commission despite cancelled order item
183401IS-M/SD: Inserting geographical units
183281MSD: BTCI für WBZ-Erstdatenübernahme
183142M/ PO Box post.code,address(' 000')
182760WBZ inbound processing: No payment method found
182661WBZ inbound procg: Exch. rate type not determined
182650No new output determination when orders changed
182644IS-M/SD: Termination w. home delivery settlement SC
182640WBZ: Missing items in termination log
182635MSD: Error session cannot be processed
182574MSD: BI of trial item w. auto. trans. to chargeable
182409Default values for WBZ agents
182260ISM: Error in address synchronization
181601Termin. with viability set determ. in sales order
181597Incorrect condition types in sales order
181588MSD: Termination in RJKBJK01
181564MSD: XPRA troubleshooting in upgrade to Rel. 4.02
181468M/SD: No commission recalc. with third party SC/WBZ
181375MSD:Delivery start not preallocated with AutTransf.
181316ISM: Error in program RJGBD__0
181254M/SD: Maint. of summarized unloading viability sets
181158MSD: No agent in output determination in the dialog
181064IS-M/SD: Cancellation of bill. doc. w. payment card
180974IS-M: Missing call of user exit as of Release 3.04
180622M/SD: Term. after cancellation of recalc. bill.doc.
180621IS-M/SD: Transfer of cancellation billing documents
180383ISM: Exclusion of doc. addresses in central access
180006IS-M/SD:ABAP/4 runtime error in collective transfer
179905Creating subscriptions with commercial agent
179778M/AM: Transaction JHAI: List fields empty
179770M/AM: JH838 yet payment method not ready for input
179597Maintaining the production startup date in IMG
179586Changed handling in sales support for 4.02
179285IS-M/SD: Display of cancelled billing indices
179188Additional data in sales support overview screen
178909Locked SC can be assigned to order in sales support
178758M/SD non-numerical house no.s in street maintenance
178739Note 165985 has been changed
178605M/SD streets not deleted if in structures/addresses
178591ISM: Error in changing dunning data
178492M/SD: Incorrect billing date 01/02/0001
178373M/SD:Remission in geschlossene Meldeperiode gebucht
178268No dyn. scrn. modification on screen SAPLJKPROM 200
178218IS-MSD: Runtime for standard delivery exceptions
178141IS-M/SD: Customer line items with amount zero
178135IS-M: Warning Postal address not maintained
177828M/SD: Editing of route unloading point sequences
177675IS-M/SD: Business data in order overview
177318MSD: No plant after order data transfer to JKAP
177146M/SD search help for cities/streets finds nothing
177138IS-M/SD: Update of payment intermediate dataset
176865M/SD termination in container packing
176103Hold event in order
175943M/SD: Billing index after repeated reversals
175231IS-M/SD: Shipping costs for WBZ BillDoc printout
174949M/SD: Commission index created for renewal offer
174494M/SD: Prog. termination w. home delivery settlement
174410MSD: Dely.viability set optimization & direct dely.
174356M/AM:Dble entries in list 'Business Partner Orders'
174328M/AM: Inconsistency after error message JH114
174316M/AM: Status of billing dataset not current
174058IS-M/AM: Incorrect ad spec assignment in order
174047M/SD: Termination when releasing credit memos
174003M/AM:Termination of agent settlement (SETTLESTAT 5)
173886M/AM: Termination MESSAGE_TYPE_X in Trans. JHFK
173803MSD: Sort sequence of printed invoices incorrect
173684ISM: P.O. box in address printouts
173637MSD: Partner bank cat. not in order after transfer
173625M/AM: Ind. separate billing doc. cannot be deleted
173589IS-M/SD: System prompt for gift in order entry
173446M/AM: Function error from Technical System inactive
173383IS-M/SD: Multiple home delivery settlements for SCs
173162MSD: Splitting redirection with address abroad
173157M/AM: Header price not updated
173138ISM: House number for addresses in Great Britain
172748M/AM: XPRA does not convert all BP assignments
172743MSD: Data transfer, incorrect batch input
172664IS-M/SD: Correction instruction from Note 157774
172575IS-M/SD: Correction instruction from Note 161105
172258M/AM: Every assignment "manual" in COA standing
172242M/AM: COA implication with beneficiaries and so on
172213IS-M/SD: Document flow w. home delivery settlement
172138IS-M/SD: Settlement of external service companies
172131ISM: Next screen processing entries for BPs
172081MSD: No responsible sales office after order copy
171673IS-M: No company code in user exit bank data
171659ISM: Synchronization of old addresses to FI
171536IS-M/SD: Problems w. for.currencies in cmpgn frmwrk
171509IS-M/SD: Importing orders by batch input
171436MSD: No retroactive a/cting index after termination
171389M/AM:Missing long texts in assignment detail screen
171298M/AM central/fast access: MSD addr. in BP selection
171267M/AM: Copy item: Billing block from item category
171239M/AM: Cancellation rev. dist.: Wrong billing date
171227IS-M/SD: Clearing open items of customer
171208M/AM: BP assignments deleted incompletely
171207MSD: Changing validity of campaign framework
170657IS-M: Non-activated user exits are processed
170478M/AM: No COA discount with reservations
170371M/AM: Agency order with unknown advertisers
170251IS-M/AM: Document flow display from COA document
170126M/AM: Assign agent with invalid requirement
170069IS-M/SD:Determntn of new subscriptns f.WBZ billings
170050M/AM: Status evaluation RJHSTAT4 - long runtime
170027IS-M/SD:Error in life subscriptn transactns RJKBST*
169979M/AM: Postprocessing errors from technical system
169936ISM:Transaction JD81 terminates with MESSAGE_TYPE_X
169824M/SD RJSUADDR No address updated
169660M/AM: Entry of prices ineffective
169557M/AM: Box no. recipient address in one-time order
169395IS-M/SD: Transfer distribution not possible
169109M/AM: Central access: Function 'Agent' w/o effect
169103M/AM: Bill.dtst crcy trnsl. not considered in assgt
169057No billing of extra copies orders with RJKEVSNL
169020M/AM:Incorrect schedule line status 'not published'
168989M/SD: Service settlement not created
168924M/SD: Missing XPRA in upgrade to Release 4.02
168773M/SD: Termination on creating complaint for renewal
168769M/AM: Quantity in COA not updated
168566M/AM: Schedule Line Disc./Surcharge in Rev. Distr.
168549MAM: Order output determination incorrect 4.02/1
168477M/AM:Schedule lines f. date combintns not generated
168432M/AM: Header agent/item agent with billing
168353ISM: Maintaining forms of address for BP
168129IS-M/AM: High runtime for creating document flow
168096ISM: Social security number not displayed
168073ISM: Short dump when entering house no. with blanks
168052M/AM: Performance of billing doc. & order, SAPLJHC0
168041IS-M/SD: Error message RW014 with transfer to FI
168006M/SD: Error in determinating amortization rate
167888M/AM: Changing a sub ad spec not reported
167838M/SD:FF747 for transfer with tax jurisdiction codes
167769MSD: Output created more than once
167480ISM: Input help for reconciliation account
167231M/AM: Business partner name in outgoing invoice
167051M/AM: DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_CURSOR w. media mix sttlmt.
166998M/AM: COA combination and deleted assignment
166987M/SD: Term. for order w. commission in pre. system
166970M/AM: No discount with items not relevant to update
166948IS-M/SD: Termination when changing conditions
166819ISM: Screen sequence when saving business partner
166807M/SD:No SC commission settlement after cancellation
166459M/SD:Displaying change no. in route-edition assgmt.
166446M/SD entries created twice in round sequence
166426M/AM: Termination with more than 256 items
166422ISM: Maintenance of phonetic replacements
166414M/AM: Media mix BP updated incorrectly
166177M/SD obsolete check when creating postal units
166084M/AM: Central acess: Error with ad inserts
166051M/SD termination in change mangmnt/structure maint.
166050M/AM:RJHAU101 ordr cnfrmtn causes endless loop 4.02
165985Syntax errors in Program SAPLVKMP
165914M/AM: RJHALI01 - long runtime
165771M/AM: Konditionsausschluss im Media-Mix-Abschluss
165651M/AM: Error V1806/double conditions in order
165540M/AM: Corrections for COA settlement
165490M/AM: COA renewal disregards specifications
165396M/AM: Report RJHAAB00 completely inactive
165316M/AM: User parameter JH_TREFFER
165239M/AM: Revenue distribution of date combinations
165023M/AM: Access sequence w. condition posting category
165020M/SD: Order type REM for RJKUJKR5 incorrect
164832M/AM: Discount & bonus in assgmt. screen modifiable
164259M/SD: Para. IDs when calling HR master data maint.
164113IS-M: AI inserts (several plants) 3.04*,4.01*,4.02
162246M/AM: Quantities not transferred to CO-PA
161229M/AM: E message for deleted master data objects
158809M/AM: Currency-specific commission amount
143907Auftrag ohne Belieferung bei zwei Umzügen "3.04/*
107830Archivierung von Tagesrouten - Selektionsdatum
99108IS-M: Set closing date: Auth. check 3.0*/4.0*