SAP Note 164590 - Missing Translation of GUI titles and other texts

Component : Joint Venture and Production Sharing Accounting -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses the issue of incorrect screen titles appearing for certain transaction codes, where the title defaults to "SAP R/3" instead of reflecting the specific screen being accessed. Transaction codes affected include KB71, GJF1-3, and GJG1-3 among others in the Financial Accounting and Joint Venture modules. The root cause is identified as an error in translation transport. To resolve this, translations need to be adjusted in ABAP Workbench (SE80) and translated screen header texts in SENN transaction, covering programs SAPMK23B and SAPMKAL1. Specific GUI titles and screen numbers requiring updates are listed to ensure correct display names and data elements are systematically translated using translation procedures within SENN.

Key words :
actual postings -> ri umbuch einzelpositionactual postings -> ri line item repostingactual postings -> ilv periodenfremdactual postings -> iaa, ri  wert/twährs   itm  bustr                partner object cr/dr ri, ri  wert/twährs   itm  bustr                partner object  cr/dr  ri, choose translation -> short texts -> abap/4 dictionary -> data elementson, /tcurr  cr/dr   ri  segment text, choosing short texts -> screen painter texts, ilv erfassen periodenfremd              iaa entry, gui title 008periodenfremde verrechnung von leistungenallocation, line item display data elements, >repost line item ri 2

Related Notes :

170716Missing GUI Title Translation