SAP Note 161143 - Error KI100 with down payment for sales order

Component : Postings - Down Payments

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When attempting to post a down payment linked to a sales document item, the SAP system may issue an error message (e.g., KI100) due to incorrect company code assignment in CO account assignment. This issue arises particularly under make-to-order production with intercompany processing, where the billing is redirected to CO-PA instead of the sales document item. To resolve, apply the provided program correction which omits the sales order account assignment check during down payments in CO, while preserving the account assignment data for subsequent down payment clearing. Adjustments to the global flag GD_DOWNPAYM_VB can enable or disable updates to down payments for sales orders in CO.

Key words :
account assignment data remains, sales order item makes, sales document item &2 belongs, sales order account assignment, sales document item, account assignment check, financial accounting document, global flag gd_downpaym_vb, payment clearing reason, attached program correction

Related Notes :

824874COIN: Message KI 164/165 despite deactivated down payments
388843Controlling the update of down payments in CO
179859Error message KE295 for down payment posting
113347Down payment process. as of Release 4.0x (standard)
76911KI100 VBP & belongs to company code X instead of Y