SAP Note 1579049 - FMCA_BRFP: Create BP external numbering

Component : Public Sector Contract Accounting -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note describes an issue in CL_FMCA_BRFP_FPF_PROCESS when using CREATE_BUSINESSPARTNER to create a Business Partner with external numbering. An error, R1 091, occurs despite providing a partner number. This results from a program error. The resolution involves implementing a program correction or importing the appropriate Support Package to address this issue, ensuring proper functionality in the business partner creation process using external number assignments.

Key words :
solution implement attached program correction, input but000 structure assigned, import relevant support package, prerequisites program error, error message r1 091, fp-gpart reason, external number assignment, create business partner, partner number, business partner

Related Notes :

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