SAP Note 1553163 - BRF+: Dump: UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION and Value Range: excluding

Component : BRFplus  -  ABAP based Rule Framework -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses software anomalies that lead to system dumps and incorrect value returns. Specifically, it resolves issues encountered with loop expression processing, function generation in Class CL_FDT_GENERATION_MANAGER, and mishandling of Value Ranges using the excluding option. Developers facing 'UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION' or 'ASSERTION_FAILED' errors linked to identified classes and methods should apply the provided corrections. The prerequisite issue in CL_FDT_GENERATION_MANAGER arises from the post-implementation effects of note 1544182.

Key words :
loop expression, excluding option, cl_fdt_processor==============cp, cl_fdt_processor==============cm001, if_fdt_processor~process, solution implement, attached corrections, class cl_fdt_generation_manager, cl_fdt_generation_manager=====cp, cl_fdt_generation_manager=====cm01d

Related Notes :

1544182BRF+: Error in Generating Function (Context Access)
1539836Tax and Revenue Management ERP EhP5 SP03: Collective Note