SAP Note 151901 - Check of delivery quantity is consistent

Component : Delivery Processing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note creates a standardized source code across all releases from 4.0A onwards, integrating previous implementations from Notes 132708, 133915, 144743, 144908, 129715 to enhance the consistency of delivery quantity checks. It addresses errors such as the incorrect triggering of message VL363 for batch items and product selection, and fixes issues with delivery quantity calculations when different base units of measure are used between sales and planning materials. Users must have already implemented the specified notes for the corrections in the source code to be applicable.

Key words :
delivery quantities calculated incorrectly, standard source code, incorrect message vl363, additional key words, relevant sap patches, source code corrections, -mentioned note exists, delivery quantity, note corrects, batch items

Related Notes :

385075Incorrect quantity check when transferring picking quantity
210272Message VL019 prevents deletion of item
198802Delivery quantity less than packed quantity shipmnt
163319Serial number checks in item details screen
144908Delivery quantity greater than packd quantity:VL616
144743VL363 during batch split of product selection item
133915Product selection: Delivery for outcome 'B'
132708Order type-dependent determination in deliveries
129715Quantity in delivery cannot be overwritten
127993Reject 0 qty when creating, allow it when changing
92084Change batch split item: missing checks