SAP Note 1509309 - Dump DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR when saving decl.-rel. substances

Component : Management of Substance Lists - Environmental Compliance for Products - TechniData

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses a runtime error in modules dealing with compliance checks related to the handling of declaration-relevant substances in the databases of SAP REACH Compliance, Product and REACH Compliance, and Compliance for Products. The error, due to values exceeding the field precision, occurs during database operations (INSERT, UPDATE, MODIFY) affecting fields in /TDAG/CPT_DEC_IN and /TDAG/CPT_DEC_DE tables. Resolution includes updating field specifications to accommodate larger values and implementing corrective Support Packages. Precautionary implementation advice and considerations for specific SAP versions and environments are detailed.

Key words :
release 110_600      sapk-26003intdagbca - sapk-26004intdagbca, release 110_500      sapk-25003intdagbca - sapk-25004intdagbca, prerequisites reasonthe database tables /tdag/cpt_dec_in, database tables /tdag/cpt_dec_in, customer-specific source code, data element /tdag/cpe_decsmavg, data element /tdag/cpe_decsmavg_part, declaration-relevant substancesyou execute, function module /tdag/cp_lb081_decsub_save, /tdag/lcp_lb081u28/tdag/cpr_worklist_execute

Related Notes :

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1471637CFP 2.2 SP07
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1471558SAP RC 1.1 Support Package 05: Collection of corrections
1459668SAP PRC 2.0 Support Package 02: Collection of corrections
731946DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR when inserting a type P variable in DB