SAP Note 1461891 - SWU3: Checking the RFC destination

Component : Business Workflow -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note 888279 addresses an issue where converting the RFC destination WORKFLOW_LOCAL_ from a logical to an R3 connection, as advised in certain scenarios, results in a red traffic light at the "Configure RFC Destination" stage in workflow Customizing (transaction SWU3). This occurs because the system initially expects a logical destination. The resolution involves enhancing the system check to look for an R3 connection if the logical destination does not exist, ensuring system compatibility. Users should follow implementation guidelines provided in the note to apply this correction.

Key words :
rfc destination workflow_local_<xxx>, prerequisites workflow customizing expects, logical destination workflow_local_<xxx>, configure rfc destination, red traffic light, workflow customizing, logical destination, r3 connection, transaction swu3, system searches

Related Notes :

888279Regulating/distributing the workflow load