SAP Note 1420231 - SAFT_PT: Customizations for LC2010

Component : VAT reporting (country specific) - Portugal

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The specified SAP Note addresses multiple issues pertinent to hierarchical reporting and XML data handling for legal compliance in SAFT-PT reporting. Key areas covered include the adjustment of the DMEE structure to accommodate changes in the LC 2010 XML file format, enhancement of tax data customizing to include additional fields while removing obsolete ones, and specific handling in reports for Tax Like materials, which should be recognized as separate items. The solution outlines the creation of an FSV for accurate account representation in XML outputs, modifications to data elements in SE11, and the implementation of a new BADI for invoking the RFBILA00 report. Additionally, instructions are provided for maintaining new tax relevant tables and domains within the SAP system to support the updated requirements.

Key words :
check field taxcurrency key initial data element waers data type cuky lenght 5 decimal 0 short description currency key reference table reference field entry, check field taxexemptionreas key initial data element exemptreason data type char lenght 60 decimal 0 short description tax exemption reason reference table reference field entry, material field ean11 key initial data element ean11 data type char length 18 decimals 0 short description international article number, account number field alternateaccount key initial data element altkt data type char length 10 decimals 0 short description account number, data element off_tax_code data type char lenght 3 decimal 0 short description official tax code description reference table reference field entry, data element taxexpdate data type dats lenght 8 decimal 0 short description tax expiry date reference table reference field entry, field vat_relevant key initial data element vatrelev data type numc length 3 decimals 0 short description vat relevant indicator_______________________________________________________________________4, check field taxamount key initial data element mwsts data type curr lenght 13 decimal 0 short description tax amount, dats    description en     short 9 date    medium 15 tax expiry date    long 15 tax expiry date    heading 15 tax expiry date2, data element taxcoun_reg data type char lenght 5 decimal 0 short description tax country region reference table reference field entry

Related Notes :

1470292SAFT_PT: Corrections to note 1420231
1470052SAFT_PT: LC 2010 Code Corrections RSAFT_PT_XML
1459306SAFT-PT: Collective note for SAFT-PT notes
1416448SAFT_PT: LC 2010 Code Corrections RSAFT_PT_XML