SAP Note 1420036 - DB6: DB2 9.8 pureScale Standard Parameter Settings

Component : Backoffice Service Delivery - DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
> fenced_pool         >= 10> num_initfenced       = 0> indexrec             = restart> tm_database          = 1st_conn             [cust]> resync_interval      = 180                  [cust]> spm_name             =                      [cust]> spm_log_file_sz      = 256                  [cust]> spm_max_resync      = 20                   [cust]> spm_log_path         =                      [cust]> svcename            = sapdb2<dbsid>        [cust]> discover            = search               [cust]> discover_inst        = enable               [cust]> ssl_svr_keydb        =                      [cust]> ssl_svr_stash        =                      [cust]> ssl_svr_label        =                      [cust]> ssl_svcename         =                      [cust]> ssl_cipherspecs      =                      [cust]> ssl_versions         =                      [cust]> ssl_clnt_keydb       =                      [cust]> ssl_clnt_stash       =                      [cust]> max_querydegree      = 1> intra_parallel       =, > sysadm_group          = db<dbsid>adm> sysctrl_group         = db<dbsid>ctl> sysmaint_group        = db<dbsid>mnt> sysmon_group          =                    [cust]> clnt_pw_plugin        =                    [cust]> clnt_krb_plugin      =                     [cust]> group_plugin          =                    [cust]> local_gssplugin      =                     [cust]> srv_plugin_mode      = unfenced            [cust]> srvcon_gssplugin_list =                     [cust]> srvcon_pw_plugin      =                    [cust]> srvcon_auth          = not_specified       [cust]> cluster_mgr           = tsa> authentication        = server_encrypt      [cust]> alternate_auth_enc    = not_specified       [cust]> catalog_noauth        =, ]> dbheap                = automatic> catalogcache_sz      >= 2560> logbufsz             >= 1024> util_heap_sz         >= 50000> buffpage             >= 10000> stmtheap              = automatic> applheapsz            = automatic> appl_memory           = automatic> stat_heap_sz          = automatic> dlchktime            = 10000              [cust]> locktimeout          = 3600               [cust]> chngpgs_thresh        = 20                 [cust]> num_iocleaners        = automatic          [cust]> num_ioservers        = automatic          [cust]> indexsort             =, > federated_async      = 0> fcm_num_buffers      = automatic> fcm_num_channels     = automatic> conn_elapse          = 10> max_connretries      = 5> max_time_diff        = 1> start_stop_time      = 10                   [cust]> cf_mem_sz            = automatic> cf_num_workers       = automatic> cf_num_conns         = automatic> cf_diaglevel         = 2> cf_diagpath          = /db2/<dbsid>/db2dump database configuration parameters, > dft_extent_sz        = 2                  [cust]> maxappls              = automatic> avg_appls             = automatic> maxfilop            >= 61440              [cust]> logfilsiz            = 16380              [cust]> logprimary            = 60                 [cust]> logsecond             = 0> overflowlogpath      =                    [cust]> mirrorlogpath        =                    [cust]> blk_log_dsk_ful      =, > aslheapsz             = 16> rqrioblk              = 65000> query_heap_sz         = 1000> util_impact_lim      = 10                  [cust]> agentpri              = system> num_poolagents        = automatic> num_initagents        = 5                   [cust]> max_coordagents       = automatic> max_connections       = automatic> keepfenced           =, > auto_reval             = deferred> cf_db_mem_sz           = automatic> cf_gbp_sz              = automatic> cf_lock_sz             = automatic> cf_sca_sz              = automatic> cf_catchup_trgt        = automatic         [cust]> cur_commit             = disablednote, [cust]> dftdbpath            = /db2/<dbsid>        [cust]> mon_heap_sz           = automatic> java_heap_sz          = 2048                [cust]> audit_buf_sz          = 0                   [cust]> instance_memory      = automatic           [stmm=, [cust]> logarchopt2            =                  [cust]> failarchpath          =                   [cust]> numarchretry          = 5                 [cust]> archretrydelay        = 20                [cust]> vendoropt              =                  [cust]note, [cust]> mon_lw_thresh          = 5000000        [cust]> mon_pkglist_sz        = 32             [cust]> mon_lck_msg_lvl        = 1              [cust]> smtp_server            =                [cust]> sql_ccflags            => section_actuals        =

Related Notes :

1523227DB6: Use of BLOCKNONLOGGED database configuration parameter
1514016DB6: DB2 LUW isolation levels used by AS ABAP
1419433DB6: Using DB2 9.8 pureScale with SAP Applications
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