SAP Note 1418035 - BAdI implementations for the online check

Component : Regulatory Checks -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses an issue with the Substance Volume Tracking module, specifically when conducting online checks within various logistics applications—like Purchase Orders and Sales Orders. A program error has been identified, requiring updates and implementations of specific enhancement methods involving Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) and Enhancement Spots for tracking activity. The note lists the required Support Packages for varied SAP versions (R/3, ERP 2004, 2005, ERP 6.0 EHP2-6) where these corrections are applicable. Users must implement and adjust these in BAdI methods via specified coding instructions to resolve the discrepancies and ensure accurate functioning of substance volume checks.

Key words :
call function 'cbrc_exit_47_deliv'       exporting         if_trtyp       = if_trtyp         if_tcode       = if_tcode         it_xlikp       = it_xlikp         it_xlips       = it_xlips         it_xvbpa       = it_xvbpa         it_xvbup       = it_xvbup         i_flg_no_block = 'x'       importing         cs_v50agl_cust = cs_v50agl_cust         ct_finchdel    = ct_finchdel, ----------------------------------------------------------------------    include zxm02u05                                                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- call function 'cbrc_exit_46c_purreq'  exporting    im_req_item              = im_req_item    im_data_new              = im_data_new    im_data_old              = im_data_old    im_data_persistent       = im_data_persistent    im_full_check            = im_full_check    im_item_has_errors       = im_item_has_errors  importing    ex_messages              = ex_messages    ex_recheck_item          = ex_recheck_item, svt  call function 'cbrc_exit_so'       exporting            i_vbak        = vbak            i_vbuk        = vbuk       tables            i_vbap_new_tab = xvbap            i_vbap_old_tab = yvbap            i_vbpa_tab     = xvbpa            i_vbep_tab     = xvbep            i_vbup_tab     = xvbup, call function 'cbrc_exit_47_purreq'       exporting        i_ucomm            = sy-ucomm        i_method           = 'check'        i_header           = im_header         i_flg_hold         = im_hold         i_flg_check_only   = 'x'       importing         e_flg_failed       = ch_failed       exceptions         parameter_error = 1, call function 'cbrc_exit_47_pur'      exporting        i_ucomm            = sy-ucomm        i_method          = 'check'        i_header          = im_header        i_flg_hold         = im_hold        i_flg_check_only   = 'x'      importing        e_flg_failed       = ch_failed      exceptions        parameter_error = 1, substance volume tracking   call function 'cbrc_exit_deliv'       exporting            i_lipk        = likp       importing            e_v50uc        = v50uc       tables            i_lips_new_tab = xlips            i_lips_old_tab = ylips            i_vbpa_tab     = xvbpa, ----------------------------------------------------------------------    include zxm06u43                                                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- call function 'cbrc_exit_46c_pur'     exporting          i_ekko   = i_ekko          i_trtyp  = i_trtyp     importing          e_flg_block       =     tables          i_ekpo_tab   = tekpo          i_eket_tab   = teket, call function 'cbrc_exit_47_pur'      exporting        i_ucomm            = sy-ucomm        i_method           = 'post'        i_ebeln  = im_ebeln        i_header          = im_header      exceptions        parameter_error = 1, call function 'cbrc_exit_46c_pro'       exporting        i_method                = 'before_update'        it_header               = it_header        i_item                  = it_item        it_component            = it_component       exceptions         parameter_error = 1         free_failed_error       = 2, call function 'cbrc_exit_47_purreq'       exporting        i_ucomm            = sy-ucomm        i_method           = 'post'        i_header           = im_header       exceptions         parameter_error = 1

Related Notes :

1501707Selection criteria for online checks for scenario EXP or SO
1449701SVT: Overview note providing additional information
905726Substance volume tracking in SAP EH&S