SAP Note 1395838 - VL10U: MESSAGE_TYPE_X when searching by Partner Information

Component : Collective Processing (VL10, VL04) - Delivery Processing

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When utilizing transaction VL10U in SAP to select unchecked deliveries, a short dump 'MESSAGE_TYPE_X' may occur if specific partner-related selection criteria on the Deliveries tab are used. The issue stems from a program error. Users experiencing this issue should apply the provided correction instructions or the corresponding support package to resolve this error. The problem impacts transaction codes such as VL10, and various related programming routines and transaction aliases are also implicated.

Key words :
partner-related selection options, selecting unchecked deliveries, deliveries tab strip, short dump message_type_x, attached correction instructions, selection criteria, selection terminates, transaction vl10u, terms vl10, kunn2 reason

Related Notes :

113411Collective note: VL10