SAP Note 1392433 - SAPBINews NW7.11 BW ABAP Support Package 05

Component : SAP Business Information Warehouse -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses Support Package 05 for BI Release 7.11, which fits within SAP NetWeaver 7.1 Enhancement Pack 01, providing detailed corrections and enhancements documentation. The main corrections involve properties of query elements that may have issues post-import due to updates in the BEx Query Designer. It outlines essential manual considerations and potential package import errors. Additionally, the note includes a list of associated SAP notes describing the contained corrections or enhancements and highlights that the note will be updated as new related notes are introduced.

Key words :
support package general information, bex query designer, current support packages, abap support package 05, support package corrects, support package errors, support packages, support package 05, support package, query elements

Related Notes :

1570955SAPI enhancements for CTC/system copy/system landscape
1520803Compound characteristic value is displayed with '#'
1505033MDX: Generate: Not enough data
1505013Not all Currency Translations are shown in MultiProvider
1504498possible arithmetic overflows in OLAP cache monitor
1504366P25:Dump in module RSBATCH_INFORM_MANAGER: Job not found
1504175Pull adapaters with char. structure extract multiple times
1503914P25:SDL:PC: Attribute change run: Reference to InfoPackage
1503686RDA loads one package only
1503611P25:DTP:BEx variables are not collected/transport
1503574LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND when query is opened
1503457Various generation errors
1502868Corrections: Third-party log is incomplete
1502860Workaround for ORACLE optimizer problem ISET
1502602BW-IP: INFOPROV_NOT_FOUND for virtual provider
1502408Report RS_PRECALC_TEST does not show server status
1501963X299 BRAIN in program SAPLRRK0 and form SELECT_1-01-
1501579BWA indices not deleted if TLOGO ainx is deleted
1501439Check Manager (CheckMan)
1501246Writing query results to database via RSDRI
1501226Downport of InfoPackage split for transport
1501166SP25:New MD deletion dumps in usage-check in Multiproviders
1501161BO:Explorer: Indexes remain when QSI is deleted
1500847P25:WO-DSO:DM:3.X DM retrieves red requests from WO-DSO
1500759Compression flag set for Aggregates even when only BIA exist
1500628Wrong assignment of a DP when using Single Query Refresh
1500586Correction: No message for "End Process Again"
1500546P25:Manage: Loading and update times are incorrect
1500302P25:Manage: Compression indicator for aggregates not reset
1500161BW query on InfoSet with LEFT OUTER join terminates
1499986BExAnalyzer: safety belt default value does not work
1499983BSP Application RSR_BEX_LAUNCH causes ABAP short dump
1499859P25:SDL:DM:New DS:Selection conditions for data mart
1499851Explorer: RKF/CKF are hidden due to exception aggregation
1499646P25:Report RSS2_AUTODEL_REQU_MASTER_TEXT locks InfoObject
1499568RRMXP with SAP Gui 7.20 (note 1435326) does not hide SAP Gui
1499521Wrong multiple singl.val applied for filter with manul.input
1499426P25:MON:Data display sometimes truncated on header tab page
1499233MDX:bXML flattening, unbalanced hierarchy, empty columns
1499124Precalculation Server: error in report RS_PRECALC_TEST
1498979P25:DTP: Unnecessary cancel button for switching to monitor
1498977P25:DM: RSSM_REDUCE_REQUESTLIST and obsolete data marts
1498626Precalculation Server: issue with Excel 2007 file format
1498389BW 7.30 Patch 2: Bugs in the data flow generation wizard
1498347BICS F4: Performance with authorization-relevant attributes
1498271P25:DTP:Log: Additional information for terminations
1498220Syntax Error in Class CL_RSL_HCHY
1498141P25:DSO:PSA:Check bef.activation if export DataSource active
1498136P25:DTP:TRAN: Error DTP points to itself
1498135P25:DTP:DUPREC dump in the report RSBATCH_MAP_DTP_SETTINGS
1498132Check fails for the Customer Exit variable in interval range
1498121SP25: Short dump while executing 'RSDMDD_DELETE_BATCH'
1498031DataSource: PSA maint.displays incorrect segment description
1497989Faults in report for deleting old cache entries
1497961Variable has to be restricted to a single value
1497954DTP extraction from InfoCubes
1497561Characteristic values initial when saving; this is incorrect
1497549SP25:RSDMD_DEL_PARALLELIZER aborts with error RSDMD 120
1497519P25:Dump in report RSBK_LOGICAL_DELETE_DTP; 1/2 parameters
1497380Extension of partitioning leads to loss of data
1497251SP25:STDO:Log with ID is already closed while activating DTP
1497205P25:MON:Dump for QM action if no PSA entry is generated
1497204P25: DTP: Open hub confirmation does not always work
1497108Incorrect statistics for deletions in OLAP cache
1497107BW7.3 SP0: Reading a MultiProvider using the DataFederator
1497078DB6: Optimization of SQL in RSDU_FASTSTORE_CHECK_UNIQU_DB6
1496753P25:RSSTATMANREQMAP: Enhancing SID index and performance
1496626DTPs and InfoPackages remain after you delete source system
1496606RSPRECALCADMIN: allow entry of gateway host
1496566Loading hierarchies via file: Node texts for link node
1496527MDX: Exception 'parameter: I_MODE,Value<unkown>
1496521P25:RDA:DTP: Closed real-time request is not updated
1496507500 Internal Server Error on clicking a portal favorite
1496178RSRT: Dump in BEx Analyzer mode
1495960P25:MON: DTP request as source of data mart has no status
1495886P25: DS: Manage PSA: No mass selection of all requests
1495752SP25:Short dump on selection of 'Delete Changelog data'
1495735check of changed records between DB and BIA after changerun
1495487Quantity conversion buffer is used
1495463Filter does not work with Web service (push)
1495254BW 7.3 SP1: Corrections in transaction RSDDB
1495094No warning if file extension is incorrect
1495093Red requests are also extracted during initial extraction
1495071SP27:Handling duplicate records in MD update through IPAK
1495049Orphaned process remains if AND processes reassigned
1495015Correction for BIA-based master data provider
1494915RSTT: Incorrect warnings in the second trace run
1494861MDX: Restricting to # does not work for NUMC
1494778Init not read request by request from PSA
1494665Errors for RDA during DTP request generation
1494634APD: Runtime error for InfoProvider data source
1494484MDX: System error in program CL_RSR_HIERARCHY_DIM
1494389P25:DSO: WO DOS: Deleting individual old request
1494272DataSource: Web service function group missing after upgrade
1494151Dump when creating display component that already exists
1494017Copying data flow using InfoPackage or DTP for RDA
1493962BEx Analyzer: system error with single data provider refresh
1493931SAP BO Explorer: Currency shift is not carried out
1493899Calculate Results As ... and hierarchies
1493814P25:DTP:PC: Collecting dependent and used processes
1493761P25:Selecting BEx variable type 5 with default selections
1493758P25: Extraction by request for w-o DSO without archiving
1493756P25:DTP:Transport system: Error message in rpt RSBKDTPREPAIR
1493475System alias for Xcelsius Designer in NW scenario
1493275g_ts_data_0001 too large during serial loading
1493078Activation of InfoCube that is to be partitioned terminates
1493069MDX: Statement with TOP condition reads too many key figures
14928487.01 SP8: Short Dump in maintaing CLG/PSA deletion variant
1492647MDX: BW runtime statistics cannot be deactivated
1492609P25:DTP: Memory overflow during serial processing
1492472BW enhancements for CTC/system copy/system landscape
1492204P25:3.X:Updated icon in ODS overview
1492176A hierarchy is read at leaf level
1492118X299 BRAIN in SAPLRRI2; form CUDIM_FUELLEN_GEN-03-
1492042P25: Info Idocs not updated if red has been set by QM action
1491939P25:Manage:Yellow DTP request deleted for complete req.check
1491809MDX: Properties from calculated members
1491745P25:BATCH:DTP: Open cursor lost during parallel processing
1491670P25:DTP: Very deep log caller stack in the DTP monitor
1491609Hierarchy attribute is not replaced
1491603Unjustified error message BRAIN 209
1491388RSDDSTATBIAUSE: Counter not always plausible
1491245Incorrect text for generic delta without delta field
1490810P25:DTP: Logsys "ERROR" displayed in DTP request dur. manag.
1490698SP25:Length of Keyfigure displayed incorrect in Rule details
1490659Fetch size is restricted even though all in one package
1490650P25:DM: Resetting data mart indicator of source InfoProvider
1490552P25:FB RSS2_CHECK_DM_FOR_VALID_SID: No results tables
1490382MDX: Sort sequence for hierarchy with intervals
1490285P25: Check for several remote DTPs in same path
1490284BW 7.0 SP25: Routine cannot be found
1490166P25:REQARCH:Performance improvement in write/deletion report
1489988RDA loading process cannot be stopped
1489975Error in SAPLRRK0 and form INITIALIZE_DATA_ACCESS-01-
1489907LOOP may occur when TRFN program generated
1489780Optimization or correction in the input help area
1489716BRAIN077:THJ Hierarchy Node variable with concatenated value
1489612P25:No BDLS for error DTPs
1489526Creation of new packages
1489375MDX: High memory consumption with Descendants / Leaves
1489056Statistics: 3.X Analyzer variables screen (wait times)
1488961P25:PC: No selection of DTP loading process in ATTRIBCHANGE
1488956MDX:BAPI_MDPROVIDER_GET_MEMBERS & provider w/ non-cumulative
1488824Warning while Multiprovider activation for first time
1488759Rollup Wait time - Updated
1488652Incorrect data in query when data is read from BIA
1488647Objects of the type DTRF deleted after method is executed
1488400P25:BATCH: Log in job log if data package processed serially
1488182MDX: Division by 0 does not work correctly
1488128SP25:RC = 12 error at the time of Import of Infoobject
1487941X299 BRAIN in SAPLRRK0 and form SETXX_FUELLEN_15-02-
1487734Dump OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED when returning from DataSource
1487709Field list from inverse routine in remote DTP incorrect
1487695P25:DTP:Report for displaying evaluated selections
1487628P25:DTP:No enqueue lock when you change DTP
1487391doubled non-cumulative key figure values
1487369Dump deleting remote log for 3.x system
1487328DB problems during PSA extraction due to duplicate WHERE
1487034P25: BATCH: Maintenance of parallelization settings: Enqueue
1486790Hierarchy maintenance: Error when you change hierarchy texts
1486447Attribute variables, new lines, formula planning
1486389MDX: ABAP dump if hierarchize and calculated member are used
1486267Time-dependent InfoSet and field TIME_INTERVAL in DTP
1485962MDX:RRT_BROWSE_CUBES runs into recursive loop
1485648MDX: bXML flattening and hierarchies and displaced columns
1485411P25:RSSTATMAN_CHECK_CONVERT_DTA dumps;Too many connections
1485122F4 on the HINT character dumps with EXCLUDE on 0INFOPROV
1485036P25:DTP:Incorrect time data in monitor when request runs
1484984Debugging BW aggregate change run in parallel
1484887Program for finding invalid chains and processes
1484747Termination in back end during drilldown that is too large
1484606P25: DSO: Archiving WO DSO and data mart update
1483978Dialog box too frequent for status change
1483932Database view V_RSZGLOBV is used for creation of variables
1483478P25:DTP:Infinite loop in CL_RSBK_PATH/GUI set_unique_path
1483304Incorrect request payment status node under DataSource
1483255Status yellow for asynchronous process in synchronous run
1483216MDX: Termination in CL_RSR_HIERACHY_DIM, method _SELF_GET
1482245P25:PSA:DSO:Change log request can be deleted too soon
1482151MDX: Exception NODE_NOT_AUTHORIZED is not caught
1482122DB6: Aggregate index error reported by mistake
1482075system fault in BEFORE_SP_FLUSH
1481919P25:DSO: Qualok & active setting in DataStore objects
1481795No lock for PSA or error stack maintenance during extraction
1481735BW query with large RANGE condition has long runtime
1481568MDX: YTD, calculated members and many dimensions
1481545InfoProvider timestamp for RSDIPROP no longer set
1480848BExAnalyzer: performance improvement in workbook init call
1480438INcrease NODENAME from CHAR 32 to 60
1480424No information during repeat if process is aborted
1480341P25: Deleting complete data target content: SLG1 logs
1480336P25: SDL: Report for deleting orphaned InfoPackages
1480253Hierarchy node and long text
1480221Setzen eines Query View States liefert keine Daten
1480183BEx Analyzer: file extension not shown in open/save dialog
1479909P25:MON: Output in message dialog box with many blank char.
1479893BW LISTCUBE improvements
1479836MDX: Generate - Too many hierarchy levels are read
1479817P25:MON:Termination during selection in monitor reads data
1479792System error in program SAPLRRK0 and form RRK_LIST_NOTIFY
1479670Additional index for RSZGLOBV table
1479660P25:MON: Jump to process chain log for all tab pages
1479393MDX: System error in the program CL_RSR_HIERARCHY_BINCL
1479318P25: Syntactic and technical enhancements to source code
1479294RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL: DataSource inconsistency
1478874RDA: No check when subsequent process chain assigned
1478797P25: Performance: Index: Slow SELECT on RSSTATMANPART
1477686Business Explorer: duplicate usage of file extension ".bex"
1477575P25:DTP:RSBKDTP_BDLS:Optional DTP selection enabled
1477567System error in program SAPLRRS2 form FAC_CHAVLVAR_REPLACE-1
1477540SP25: Incorrect Search Modes in New Master Data Deletion
1477232P25:Optimize Note 1338465: log_comp->o_t_posit on demand
1477068P25: DTP: Delta: Standard DSO: Load request in RSBODSLOG
1476949SP25:Hierarchy load using CSV file from application server
14769247.01SP8:Short dump in New master Data deletion
1476882Open Dialogs: authority for reference deletion not checked
1476875Dump _SUPERSET_PREPARE-3- w/input-ready query w/disaggregatn
1476860RSDDSTAT_DATA_DELETE deletes by package from RSDDSTATLOGGING
1476784Automatic request processing: Transactional requests
1476775MDX: Check too strict for characteristic or hierarchy values
1476618Precalc Server: error message prec server does not exist
1476616P25:DTP:RSBKDTP_BDLS issues too many message dialog boxes
1476159Incorrect error message when queries are released
1475786P25: RSBK_LOGICAL_DELETE_DTP is not yet complete
1475318DB6: Correction for report SAP_RSDB6_UPD_MDC_METADATA
1475308P25: RSSM_DELETE_WO_DSO_REQUESTS: Updated requests only
1475235P25:RSSM_AUTODEL_REQU_MASTER_TEXT: Last 10 reqs. not deleted
1475209BW7.0 (SP25) Unicode-enabled read API
1475060P25:Technical content changes archived requests
1475056730:InfoCube data archiving of empty requests dumps
1475040P25: PC: "Delete overlapping request" does not delete
1474236Microsoft Excel process is not terminated
1474235SP25:Incorrect values for time-dep attr in MD lookup in TRF
1474161X299 BRAIN in SAPLRRK0, form WORKCELL_SET-01-
1473937RSRV test for consistent time dimension terminates
1473879RS_FRONTEND_INIT: duplicate meaning of parameter VER_MIN_ANA
1473793MDX: Overflow with large values and large scaling factor
1473632Hidden structure elements are displayed
1473567Order of the variables on the VarScreen can not be changed
1473493Subsequent correction to 1325495. (rationalise)
1473491Chain not continued with termination and "ALWAYS" link
1473247BW7.0 (SP25): Time distribution between 0FISC* and 0CAL*
1472927Message handling while Checking or activating multiprovider
1472913QDEF: Skipped authorization check after note 1414004
1472786RSPOR_SETUP_UPDATE_TABLE does not update default portal
1472695Incorrect presentation for compounded infoobjects
1472671Time dependant characteristics in cache mode 5
1472453APD: Query without characteristics does not fetch data
1472428Non-cum. query: Termination "Inconsistent input parameter"
1472277F4 Q mode abends/ relational browse termination
1471822No data in non-cml. query with formula exception aggregation
1471630BExAnalyzer: connection problems with RRMX and SAP Gui 7.20
1471165BW MultiProvider query does not read an aggregate
1471137Usability: Standard menu entries "Cancel"/"Exit"/"Back"
1470624CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL; Dereferencing of the NULL reference
1470258Incorrect data in query with time-dependent hierarchy
1470224Correction: PSADELETE not found in RSOR
1470209BW report RSCDS_NULLELIM on InfoCube without time dimension
1469706Subsequent correction to Note 1453065
1469637Cache does not work: Entry missing in RSDINFOPROVDATA
1469627MDX: System error ADD_REQUEST_INST_1 */_2
1469412broadcaster dumps from 'STRING_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE'
1469339No authorization for filters of leaves not assigned
1468560P25: X messsage dump in FMSS2_CHECK_DM_FOR_VALID_SID
1468076Correction: RSAOLTP024 during after import ISTS
1467890730: Generic BW delta does not save generic init. selections
1467822Correction: Restore: Password field too short
1467809P25:PC: Inactive DTPs are also displayed in variants F4 help
1467706SP25:Technical Settings for PSA table for New Datasource
1467474No data for exception aggregation NHA
1467376SP24: ERROR_IN_MD_BUFFERING during master data lookup
1466842P25:REQARCH:Performance:Several single selects for RSREQDONE
1466562P25:DTP:Manage:Dialog box due to DMALL/Processed_all in DSO
1466536Long runtimes when transporting InfoObjects
1466517Sorting by the text of an attribute
1466338Incorrect records not selected in original PSA
1466251P25:DTP:Delta DTP is executed twice/duplicate data
1465544Bookmark does not save current filtered value
1465345P25:Various minor corrections
1465324Duplicate record error while updating Master Data
1465253SP24: Abort situation in error stack maintenance
1465023730: Replacing Break Luxm with break-point id break_luxm
1464903SP24:RSRV test of partition considers PSA with OBJSTAT 'INA'
1464540Subsequent correction to Note 1390062
1464244WJR:THJ hierarchy node selection is not retained
1463880BIA Monitor dumps for Context Menu on Header data
1463671Read statistics not updated for OLAP cache
1463516Correction: Long runtime not detected with PC_ACTIVE
14633137.01SP07:New CLG deletion considers CLG having OBJSTAT 'INA'
1463306Select filter value shows incomplete authorized values
1462816P25: Performance: Slow, unnecessary select in RSDMDELTA
1462683X299 BRAIN in SAPLRRI2; form READ_CELL-01-
1462637Raise cx_rsr_cob_pro_not_found InfoProv = VIRTUAL-000001
1462606BW-IP: Deletion transport incomplete for ALVL
1462590P24:PC:SDL:Error message RSMPC 207 is unclear
1462586P25:MON:SDL: Dynpro send in Background in RSAP_IDOC_JOBS
1462566BRAIN 485 issued in new context
1462415DB6: SQL -444 error messages in system log
1462226SP26:IPAKS of Export DS deleted when switching DSO Types
1462195P24:PC: DTP F4 dialog box displays existing DTPs twice
1462051MDX: System error in CL_RSD_MULTIPROV: kyfnm is not found
1461676P24:DTP: Routine in non default selection flds not displayed
1461622BW7.0 (SP24): Impact handling
1461616BW7.0 (SP22) Incorrect authorization check
1461512Correction: Activation of several chains too slow
1461454Correction: Automatic reset does not work
1461401System error in the program CL_RSD_MULTIPROV_CHECK
1461098P24: WO-DSO: Not all requests registered for delta
1461052BEx Analyzer: seperate event for exit macro in statistic wb
1460953DB6: InfoCube index check reports wrong results
1460901Precalculation Server: issue with new load balancing
1460640Correction: Synchronous run turns red during log refresh
1460415Key figure cumulated along time characteristics
1460391New option SELECT ALL in the Input help of Selector dialog
1460130Preliminary steps for Note 1417481
1459947System error: CL_RSR_RRK0_CURR - SID_TO_CURR-01 (BRAIN 299)
1459943Rollup Wait time
1459727Subsequent correction to Note 1339773
1459154No data displayed in special situation (empty cells)
1458897Planning func.: Delta processing "Distribute w/Reference..."
1458653Old values received on switching from workday scheduling
1458281Error in zero suppression in the Java runtime
1458200RSZDELETE: Incorrect messages during query deletion
1458168Polling during synchronous execution via API
1457841SP24:Reduced field list error while loading from export DS
1457668Virtual key figures no longer work after Note 1440242
1457266Remote chains: Logical destinations/dialog destinations
1456460NW BW 7.0 (SP24): Only last data pacakge in local file
1456346BPS: Problems with documents in Office 2007
1455771BExAnalyzer: issue with ANA_USE_SIDGRIDDELTA
1455757BOBJ: BAPI_IPAK_CREATE: Info. msg for incorrect selection
1455000SP24:Secondary index of PSA tables inconsistent
1453930F4 navigation attributes returns master data
1453924BW aggregate: F fact table is empty after reconstruction
1453822Precalculation Server shows wrong setting duration
1453487P24: Messages RSM 251 and RSM 250 do not exist
1453193System error in program SAPLRRI2 and form CHECK_AVI-01-
1453065Query with MultiProvider hint in Java runtime
1453036P24:DTP:Complete del of data target content for DTP requests
1452914Error reading the data of InfoProvider <XYZ> (DBMAN305)
1452327P24: Incorrect data element in table RSSMWPDPSAVE
1452323P24:DTP:RSBKCMD-TPL is empty
1452121Error:CL_RSDM_READ_MASTER_DATA and form __FILL_ATTR_INFO-06-
1451912BExAnalyzer: issue with empty grid in planning
1451456DB2 z/OS: BW: Repartitioner: Do not convert fact table
1451349P24:BATCH: After-import handling uses batch manager
1450906Property 'Cumulated' for characteristics
1450682Incorrect data in special case
1450347P24: Manage: DTP where-used list for REQU load requests
1450242P24: Removing DTP from delta admin.: Logical deletion
1450022Value "#" or "Initial" is allowed for hierarchy variables
1449220Constant selection in query for the BO explorer
1449073Performance improvement for quantity conversion
1448914Authorization for transaction RSCOPY is not checked
1447923P24:BATCH:Report RSSM_HASH_ENTRIES_CREATE only 3 in parallel
1447437P24:PC: Parallelization of ROLLUP and AGGRFILL variants
1447233P24:DTP:Report for condensing RSBKSELECT entries
1447090Short dump "Cons.Check" for cube in BIA in Batchground
1446964RSWR_BOOKMARK_DELETE: Performance optimization
1446736Filter does not work when variables are used in interval
1446508MC62- Creation of characteristic combinations fails
1445126RSD_CHA_GET_VALUES does not return any SIDs
1444988Authorization object
1444848Executing variable exit planning sequences
14441297.01 SP7: Short Dump in maintaing CLG/PSA deletion variant
1444114Transport pop-up is running behind all applications
1443953CX_SY_CREATE_DATA_ERROR:Entering values in input-ready query
1443825BExAnalyzer: save popup appears when started via RRMX
1443698P24:DTP: Dump occurs when orphaned DTPs deleted
1443586P24:SDL:File, hierarchy & time routines cannot be maintained
1443552RRI navigation from hierarchy leaf with THJ does not work
1443413Precalculation Server: test option to execute BC setting
1443081Query on non-cumulative InfoCube displays no data
1443064Correction: Error stack is not read in groups
1442557No RSDDSTAT statistics in BPS
1442468Short dump "CNTL_ERROR" while trying to maintain Aggregates
1442068Correction: Deletion in display mode: No request query
1442064Correction: Error message RSDS 198 for hierarchies
1442020DB6: Short dump during call to non-existent function module
1442008Authorization check on !!A query for functions on the Web
1441897Error RSAN_WB010 when using Union transformation
1441767MDX: No data for bXML if only ALL member is requested
1441526Cache statistics not updated in mode 'BLOB/Cluster Enhanced'
1441063RRI jump fails: Temporary hierarchy join is active
1440515APD: Termination when master data is read
1440212Variable duplication happens while launching RRMX
1440049RSEC: Error during generation of authorizations
1440016Selective deletion: Name of the temporary tables
1439860BW Cube indexes incorrect if no time characteristic in cube
1439786P24: Complete deletion from DTA and status manager tables
1439436Migration tool: Error message when deleting obsolete objects
1438836Error APP_NEW_PART_EFACT during repartitioning by FISCPER
1438454Error for "Calculate Results as..." and totals suppression
1438419P24:PC:DTP: Saving LOGID in RSREQDONE for new -> ready
1438227P24:Manage: DM flag dissappears when going between tab pages
1437986THJ hierarchy: Leaves cannot be found
1437925Non-unique transformation w/o SAPGUI leads to termination
1437919Subsequent correction for Note 1385580
1437788SP25: Technical Correction In PSA Service
1437521P24:SDL: Improvements for BW after-import (ISIP)
1437407P24:WO-DSO:Report for automatic deletion of old request
1437087System error in program CL_RSDRC_SFC_SRVS SET_CHECK0-01-
1437067Correction:RSDS_CHANGE_SRC3DREL changes too many DataSources
1436975Copying InfoPackage for Web service (push)
1436851Correction:BAPI_ISOURCE_HI_T_GETLIST only for old DataSource
1436520Non-cumulative query termination in CHECK_NAV_INIT_BACK
1436464Error in "Display Master Data" function for pre-query
1436428RSEC: Key date for vars. & hiers. w/ time-dependent struc.
1436426Hierarchy does not support access outside result set
1435772InfoSet using left outer join and EXCLUDING conditions
1435712Analytical index: Incorrect existence check for InfoProvider
1435632RDA: Maximum number of data packages per request
1435434Changing nearline storage property does not work
1435326Usage of transaction RRMX / precalc server with SAP Gui 7.20
1435104SP24:RSAR_NEWDS_PSA_USEROBJ_CHECK for PSAs of new datasource
1435099Incorrect presentation returned in _CHECK_REQUESTED_IOBJNMS
1434964No data during pre-query in connection with node selection
1434945P24:Rebuilding requests:Aut. statistics building/index calc.
1434924Correction: Long runtime in health check if job is waiting
1434908Node element not ready for input when a bookmark is loaded
1434655P24:DM:Deleting a data mart status: No success message
1434251Improved activation for queries on inactive InfoProvider
1434241InfoSet with InfoCube with several navigation attributes
1434146500 Internal Server DomReaderError while choosing variant
1433832BO Explorer: Referenced key figure is available
1433322Hierarchy: Link node is not displayed
1433260Exception with between operator & optional formula variables
1433195P24:PC:SDL: Yellow process: Request gen. terminates early
1432965NW BW 7.0 (SP24) ALL_FIELDS not copied
1432959BEx WAD: Missing mime for XREF transformation
1432398RDA daemon cannot execute DTP after restart
1432162MDX: Flattening problems when using hierarchies
1431960MDX: Error when using the UNORDER function
1431614P24:DTP:After-import: Dump OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED_NO
1431598P24:DTP: Extra transformations displayed erroneously
1431315P24: Reducing very large request lists in InfoCubes and DSOs
1431226Variable with replacement from key is not replaced
1430884Rebuilding all indexes does not work for BO Explorer
1430705ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY occurs for hierarchy node input help
1430628InfoObject is not found when data flow is copied
1430606Analytical index: Unit reference for key figure
1430444No data for FastSearch Provider Lookup
1429661RSEC: Log improvement
1429198Missing authorization check in RSUDO for "Execute as"
1429162Keine Berechtigung für Import mit S_BI-WHM_RFC
1428995BExAnalyzer: manual input for hierarchy nodes in var. screen
1428964Problems when loading data with UPDATERULES after SP17
1428642DataSource: Deleting a DataSource in BW Content system fails
1427990P24:DTP:BATCH: Request/DTP request terminates after one day
1427903Replacing variable from external characteristic key
1427459Hierarchies: Subtree update does not change all node texts
1427417BPC: Writing data
1426612P24:DTP: Content error DTP in DS source has incorrect text
1426533P24:DTP: Non-cumulative IC update from another non-cum. IC
1426460NW BW 7.0(SP24): Database table cannot be activated
1425952No values displayed in BEX input help when AUTH active
1425687Currency handling and ready for input status in OWC
1425496BExAnalyzer: variables are melted in command VAR_SUBMIT
1424130PrecalcServer: New administration transaction RSPRECALCADMIN
1422999work area not assigned in method _HND_GARBAGE_COLLECTION
1422713P24: DTP: MESSAGE_TYPE_X in CL_RSBM_LOG_SUBSTEP in monitor
1422652P24: DTP: DSO: Parallel processing only required for WO-DSO
1422637'*' not displayed for mixed currency in MAX/MIN
1422623Hierarchy node authorization does not authorize flat value.
1422481Text elements in analyzer doesn't updated on full refresh
1422009P24: Performance: Flat file or third-party InfoPackage
1421718Error during InfoObject check in data flow copy
1421670Error counter: Syntax check in 7.11 also
1421285TABLE_INVALID_INDEX when child nodes are read
1421148Termination occurs selecting leaves in the case of a THJ
1421123MDX: The sorting of structure members terminates
1421011DB6: Speed up selection from DSO activation queue (DB2 V9.1)
1420861Correction:Health check incorr. if long-running prog. exists
1420814Setting for Initial rendering for BOOKMARK loading
1420651P24:DTP:Attempt to start parallel processing ends too early
1420420Error in function module RSDRI_AUTHORITY_CHECK
1420385Correction: RAW fields cannot be defined adequately
1420237Error creating BIA Indexes on big infocubes (> 2 bio rows)
1420224Correction: Short dump DYN_CALL_METH_PARAM_MISSING
1420085P24:DTP: RSBKDTPREPAIR and deactivated error handling
1419657Message variables are not displayed
1419451RSWR_BOOKMARK_DELETE: Report to delete the Bookmarks
1418865Termination for query gen.:CL_RSR and form GET_CHANMID-01-
1418610P24: DTP: Regenerating processing list
1418576BW7.11(SP05): Dump occurs when transferring content
1417481No data displayed in special situation (empty cells)
1411545BExAnalyzer: safety belt for large resultsets
1391793Transactional InfoCube RSM_DATASTATE_CHECK-8-
1355233BExAnalyzer: display document comments as Excel comments
1349380P22: No error msg in BW for errors in the DBC source system
1280339No Authorisation if only one leaf is selected