SAP Note 1391347 - KOMK-AUGRU in the billing document

Component : Pricing - Fakturabearbeitung

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note highlights an issue with the "Order reason" field (KOMK-AUGRU), which is crucial in pricing but remains unfilled in the billing document pricing. This is due to performance-optimization decisions which prevent necessary data conversion. Specifically, though "Order reason" is present in VBRP table of the billing document (AUGRU_AUFT), inconsistent entries occur across sales documents when aggregated in collective invoices, impacting performance. Unlike other uniquely transferred fields like customer group (KDGRP_AUFT) and price list type (PLTYP_AUFT), "Order reason" can differ, complicating pricing processes. Resolution requires implementing a modification, potentially degrading performance further, as outlined in include RV60AFZZ, USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK.

Key words :
sales order- pltyp_auft  price list type, communication header table komk, billing document item data, field komk-augru leads, underlying sales documents, sales orderare transferred, - kdgrp_auft  customer group, attached solution proposal, sales document, komk-augru

Related Notes :

117189KOMK-AUDAT, KOMK-AUART_SD in billing document