SAP Note 1306639 - BP_CVI: Optnl creation of BP from cust./vend. w/ active CVI

Component : Business Partner - Business Partner Synchronization

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
In SAP ERP 6.00, issues arise when activating customer/vendor synchronization with business partners in CVI - changes in customer/vendor don't conditionally trigger BP synchronization. The system either synchronizes with every update or none, affecting transaction operations like FLBPD1/2, FLBPC1/2. Proposed modifications in BTE function modules CMD_CUSTOMER_BTE_1321_IMPL and VMD_VENDOR_BTE_1421_IMPL introduce conditions checking existing links, only allowing synchronization when appropriate link data in CVI_CUST_LINK or CVI_VEND_LINK is confirmed, or specific transactions are used, thus addressing unrequired automatic sync issues.

Key words :
rows                            check relevance    call method mds_ctrl_controller=> am_i_relevant      exporting        iv_object_type = 'vendor'                        insert, rows                            check relevance    call method mds_ctrl_controller=> am_i_relevant      exporting        iv_object_type = 'customer'                        insert, kunnr = ls_cmds_ei_extern-header-object_instance-kunnr, lifnr = ls_vmds_ei_extern-header-object_instance-lifnr, lifnr = gs_vmds_extern-header-object_instance-lifnr, kunnr = gs_cmds_extern-header-object_instance-kunnr, vendor = ls_vmds_ei_extern-header-object_instance-lifnr, vendor = gs_vmds_extern-header-object_instance-lifnr, customer = ls_cmds_ei_extern-header-object_instance-kunnr, customer = gs_cmds_extern-header-object_instance-kunnr

Related Notes :

1025037BP_CVI: Scope of functions in customer-vendor integration
956054BP_CVI: Customer/vendor integration as of ERP 6.00
954816BP_CVI: Transactions for creating/linking BPs